Chapter two-maurice

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I was woken abruptly by the sound of metal cells being slammed open down the hall. I shook myself away and walked to the edge of my cell door, there wasn't much that I could see from the small barred slot at the top of the door but from what I could see doors were being opened.

I pressed my ear to the metal and waited.

Cell after cell they got closer slowly approaching my door.

Maybe this was it! The order may have won the war.

It seemed impossible, but the idea was enthralling. In five, or so seconds I would be free. I could dash out of the hall and run from this forsaken place, I would need a plan once I got out, but it would come to me the second I stepped foot outside.

As they got to my door they didn't even look my way, they undid the lock and slammed the door against the wall waving their hand half-heartedly behind them for me to leave. The second they were past my door frame I sprinted out. They hadn't given me breakfast this morning but I felt so lifted that I didn't need the food.

The strangest thing of all was seeing the empty subliminal hall now filled with others like me. Thousands of my fellow exorcists dressed in glorified medical prison uniforms as we were now standing free, and the Illuminati guard that served as our wardens now stood to the side, holding open doors for us as we left.

In hindsight, I was particularly foolish. At first, I, like everyone else assumed we had won. We cheered for what felt like forever, but as we walked through the empty compound it was clear that this wasn't a victory for us. We were free, but we hadn't overtaken this Illuminati base, they were still very much in control, but they were releasing us.

If we hadn't won, then why were they freeing us? The others still seemed happy, and I wanted to join their wistful bliss, but I couldn't shake the sinking feeling I had that something terrible had happened. It didn't come to me at first but it settled in the longer it took to leave the facility. This place wasn't as big as the ship, but it was hardly small.

If the Illuminati had the war there wasn't much of a reason to keep us, but on the other hand, there wasn't a reason to release us. Whatever is happening isn't right. I think this realization hit the others as they stepped outside and saw the sky.

It wasn't the glistening blue we expected it to be, but some twisted lilac. Beyond the odd-looking sky, there didn't seem to be life in the world anymore, just outside of the compound was what appeared to be a forest except every creature inside was silent. Even the wind stood still, and the noise was the collective breathless gasps from our group.

From the hundreds that were captured with me only a few dozen were bold enough to speak to each other. One came up to me, he was young hardly even an adult if I could guess he was likely an exwires who was sent out on his first mission when he was captured.

"Okumura Sir?" He asked, with a smile I wasn't able to share. "What do we do now?"

The group surrounding us turned their attention to me. I was far from the oldest or the highest ranked in this group, but I managed to encourage some hope when we were imprisoned together. Even if I didn't know everyone here, it seemed like they knew me enough to trust me. If they hadn't known me they likely recognized my last name because of Rin's many successes.

As everyone's eyes fell upon me, I remembered my days teaching the cram school. The best thing I could do now was become the leader they needed me to be. "What's your name kid?"

"Ido sir."

"Do you know any tammers Ido?"

"Yes sir," he grinned at waved over at his friends, summoning them and consequently getting the entire group's attention.

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