chapter 13- the transformation and happily ever after

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Yukio walked beside me through the hallway. Side by side, it was his way of showing support even if he hated this, even if he disagreed with it, he would be there to support me.

While we were on our short walk through the halls, I got to appreciate this place. It was nicely built and reminded me of my first home, the small chapel where Yukio and I were raised. Although it was bigger than that small place, much bigger. Everything seemed nicer too, from the stone walls to the tiles on the floor, even the stained glass seemed artisanal in nature.

My followers put a good deal of money and work into this place, it even spelled expensive but I couldn't place where the scents came from. There weren't any wall plugins that I could see, and I haven't smelled any that were remotely close to the scents permeating around this building.

I guess there are still some things that even I don't know. The thought made me smile, I was still human and still clueless enough to be a fool. I wouldn't want it any other way, I had given up a long time ago on trying to be the smartest, and I wasn't about to start now.

At least I didn't think I was. But that all seemed to stop, all my original thoughts and ideas, my senses of self seemed to waver when I saw him.

In the second his eyes reconnected with mine I could feel a shift within me. Everything that I had missed after I had left entered my mind, along with every second of his life. The loneliness, the pain, the darkness, the sensations, and the lack of them. The flood of power, the destruction of his host, the silence, the deadly, deafening silence. Then light again, and a pure calmness and bliss as sensation returned but with no ulterior motive.

He had finally done it, he found his perfect host.

I wanted to be happy for him, to be surrounded by an endless spark of joy, as he seemed to be, but I couldn't share that joy with him. Not when he still looked so much like Arthur, not when he was Arthur.

Yet, Arthur's body looked different, aside from the obvious effects of Lucifer, such as his demonic attributes like his tail, he seemed taller, and stronger too. Yet his looks remained, and so did his hair, shining like pastel gold. He had gotten dressed up as well, now in a white suit with a cape and golden accessories, outclassing Mephisto's clown attire. He even had his hair pined up, and adorned with emerald golden clips.

He was undeniably Lucifer, with little trace of Arthur left beneath the surface.

He must have sensed my disappointment, in a moment his small smile had fallen and he looked almost mournful. Today wasn't that good of a day for reintroductions I suppose.

"See there he is, now you are welcome to leave," Mephisto said, with his best customer service smile

"I'm not leaving," Lucifer said, walking toward me. His voice sounded ever so slightly different, almost the exact same way my voice had shifted.

I could hear Yukio reach for his gun.

I stepped forward meeting Lucifer halfway. "Let's go somewhere a bit more private to talk."

"Lead the way," He said with a smile.

I look back at the hallway I came from. The only place I have been so far is my room. Sure I have seen the halls, but I don't know where else would be appropriate to take him.

I start to walk and he follows behind. I cast one last glance at the front of the building where all my friends had gathered with Mephisto. Next to them but distant was Homare and a few of Lucifer's guards seemingly unpleased about being left behind.

Guiding him back to my room was simple enough, it was smaller and easier to navigate than the ship. I didn't get lost once when returning, although at times I got distracted, mostly by Lucifer whose tail kept brushing up against mine, even daring to coil them when I stopped to open the door to my room.

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