Chapter five part 2 cogsworth

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Bon was here...

Before any pitiful questions of why or how could leave my lips, I began to notice every aspect of him, as if some clue written in the folds of his skin would answer my question. However, he looked no more tired than how I had last seen him, he seemed no more stressed or burdened, and there were no viable marks of bruising or physical injury I could see. He didn't appear any more worn and rugged.

The most noticeable difference was his clothing, he donned a uniform similar to mine, even if it was far more simple and more battle-ready than the spiffy thing they provided me. He still had his weapon attached securely to his hip and appeared happy.

Most surprising was Paku, she was dressed similarly to Bon, only she had a golden pin attached to her breast pocket, a star pin eerily similar to the one Lucifer had attached to his uniform.

Was she one of the spies? No. She had no direct ties to the order, she would have had no way to gather information from us. More importantly, why does she have the pin at all? I thought she was a civilian, and why would she betray Izumo by joining the Illuminati? She knew what horrors occurred, or maybe Izumo never told her.

Regardless she knew they were our sworn enemies, so why is she here now, and why is she with Bon? He of all people should have remained with the order, Bon's loyalty is second to none.

There has to be some explanation for this, a good explanation for this... Unless Lucifer broke his promise and continued the attack. Right, even if Bon wasn't hurt physically it doesn't mean he wasn't forced into this. I wouldn't expect Bon to mend to mental torture but if his family or temple were put in harm's way he would give anything to keep them safe from harm.

Knowing him he sacrificed himself. Whatever he says here can't be trusted, Lucifer has likely instructed him on what to say. I need to get Bon alone and get the truth out of him.

Bon stepped forward, and interestingly he cast a glare at Shima who seemed to shrink behind one of the guards.

"First thing that I want to make clear is that I'm not with these cultists," Bon said pointing at Shima. "Second thing I want to make clear is that I am only here because of Rin."

Paku stepped in front of him, shutting him up for the moment. "Sorry your Highness we don't mean to be rude and thank you for your generosity," She bowed, I assume to Lucifer, and then stepped back over to the side.

"Thank you both for accepting my invitation. I hope you don't mind explaining why you are here." Lucifer said barely lifting a finger, and yet he held command of the entire room.

I could feel my tail twist around my torso, something about him I just wanted to break, smash into a thousand little pieces. Maybe it was his perfect composure, his pristine ability to remain calm despite the most chaotic circumstances.

"An explanation would be nice," I walk toward them. "I have to say I am surprised to see you both here. I would have never suspected either of you to betray the order."

Bon flinched at the mention of the True Cross as if I had poked with a glowing spear of steel at the perfect nerve.

Paku smiled. "It wasn't a betrayal, I never promised to serve them, and after what I learned I never want to."

"He won't believe you," Bon muttered, shaking his head.

"You believed me."

"Yes, but for all, he knows you could be a spy, you are wearing their pin. But I hated them for years now, I still do. He knows that, and he knows I wouldn't change alliances unless I had a reason to do so."

"I can still hear you." I reach the bottom of the stairs. "You should know better than to try and whisper Bon."

"Alright then. I am here because the order was going to kill you."

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