Chapter 24

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Chapter 24◇

    ◎Solving the high-interest-loan problem (End) ◎

    In the monitoring screen of the hidden camera, all kinds of information recorded on the contract taken out will be overturned.

    From the monitoring screen, it can only be seen that when faced with the threat of usury and loan, although Pi Qianlan was reluctant, she could only be forced to open their mouths from the compensation money just received. compensation to them.

    As for this contract, which clearly shows that it was signed at that time, not even a hair appeared.

    With the evidence from the monitoring screen, Xiaolu behind him finally cheered up. This is a strong evidence for Shi Hammer to prove that this contract is worthless.

    At that time, if this matter is made a big deal, not only will it be beneficial to the small boss, but they will also be subject to certain investigations because of this false contract for the company.

    As for whether there will be any evidence that is more unfavorable to them during the investigation, it is not necessarily known.

    Seeing that Pi Qianlan took out the surveillance camera, the debt collector who was still swearing by it froze for a moment.

    Since they dared to take out this contract, it was naturally because they had already conducted an investigation when they came last time, and they did not find any monitoring and recording equipment in the small shop.

    But who knew that Pi Qianlan actually had spare money to buy this latest monitoring equipment when facing their endless dunning every month.

    This is a severe blow to them.

    However, the debt collector is obviously also a person who can bend and stretch. Looking at the conclusive evidence in Pi Qianlan's hands, after a few seconds of astonishment, he immediately put away the contract in his hand, forced a smile and looked at her.

    "Why does Boss Pi make such a big fuss? If the matter becomes serious, I believe it will not be a good thing for you or me. We still have a discussion!" "A discussion?" Pi Qianlan looked behind     him The crowd stopped again, "If there is a discussion, then find a way to discuss it, after all, peace makes money."

    The debt collector was right. If there was no need to make a big deal, Pi Qianlan didn't have any idea to make a big deal out of it.

    After all, the business of the milk tea shop is barely on the right track now, and she has a place to gain a firm foothold on this planet. If it is not necessary to die, she still does not want to destroy the current peace.

    "Of course we have a discussion. Boss Pi has any demands, you can talk to us, as long as it is reasonable, you will definitely be satisfied." Although the debt collector's words are still the same as before, they lack a lot of confidence than before. .

    "My appeal has never changed. I will not pay less for the money that should be paid back, and I will not, will, give more, and give the money that should not be paid back!" On the contrary, Pi

    Qianlan At this time, the confidence has been sufficient, "I only want this one appeal. If you think there is something unreasonable, you are welcome to continue to argue with me. I have evidence! If you don't mind trouble, I don't mind accompanying you Keep going, anyway, you should have investigated my situation and Beijing."

    Pi Qianlan was betting, she was betting on two possibilities.

    Or, when this group of people lent her money, they had already investigated the background behind her, and naturally discovered the mysterious family that did not end well. Due to the face of the family, they will not go too far.

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