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"noelle marie, get down here! i'm not finished with you!" noelle anderson's father yelled from the bottom step. little did he know, she was already out of her window and climbing down the tree. she knew how late it was, and how this was gonna go against her fathers wishes of staying inside at night, but she didn't feel like dealing with his yelling at that moment. she ran through her backyard and jumped over the fence.

she knew where she wanted to go. she was gonna go to the boneyard, no matter how far of a walk it was. it was her safe place. as quite some time went by, she finally made it. she sat down at the edge of the sand, where the water just barely reached her.

jj maybank, once again, running away from the chateau to get some quiet time. three of his friends were there, two of them getting high while the other tried to keep them calm. he simply walked out of the house and started walking to the boneyard. the place he always went to have time to himself. he got there quite fast, but it was different this time. he saw a girl sitting by the water who was staring up at the moon. she was wearing a bright blue, silk tank top that was cropped, and looked loose on her figure. for pants, she was wearing grey sweats. she had her hair messily half up, her flip flops resting beside her. he contemplated turning around and going back to his friends but decided against it, going up to her.

"can i sit here?" she heard a voice from behind her say. she jumped a little bit at the sudden interaction, but nonetheless looked up at him. he had blonde hair and was wearing a white tank top with grey swim trunks. she could recognize his face from anywhere. he was jj maybank, the pogue-iest of them all.

as soon as she looked up at him, he recognized her face. noelle anderson, sarah cameron's best friend, and the girl rafe cameron was practically a bodyguard for. the two had seen each other a few times at parties when he would offer her a drink, but they had never interacted outside of that. she didn't know that much about him, but she was excited to see the boy.

"yeah, sure! go ahead." she moved her flip flops and patted the spot next to her. he stood there in shock, not expecting her to be so welcome to the idea. "you gonna sit or..? all you gotta do is bend your knees and put your ass on the ground, maybank. it can't be that hard."

he silently lowered himself to the ground as she went back to leaning onto her hands. "so, what are you doing here, kook princess número dos?"

she sighed, closing her eyes. "i got in a fight with my dad, and my sister isn't home to calm him down! so i just kinda left, climbed down the tree outside my window. how about you, pogue-iest of them all?"

"pope was trying to calm john b and ki- erm- our other friend down," he said, stuttering a bit when it came to kiara.

"jj, you can say her name, i don't mind. i didn't do anything to her, it was sarah who didn't invite her. i don't even think she called the police like everyone else says, cause neighbors on our side of the island are shit when it comes to parties." she shrugged. he nodded even though she couldn't see him. "how is she, by the way?"

"um, she's kiara. still trying to save the turtles everyday."

"of course she is." she smiled. "i miss her sometimes."

they were silent for a few minutes before noelle spoke again, "do you wanna hear a story?"

"oh– yeah, sure, why not?"

she sighed, looking out into the water and smiling. "it's a little long, so get ready." he waved her off and muttered a small 'it's fine'. she took a breath and started. "the sun and the moon have always loved each other, but the only time they get to see each other is during sunrise and sunset. basically they take quick glances at each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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