chapter 2

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A normal day at st peters junior school when things began to pop up.
It was during play time and lucia thought she had had enough of sharing her dolls with Angie.
"Angie why don't you come with your dolls you always want to play with mine " she shouted a smirk growing on her face.
This surprised Angie she thought lucia knew about this.
That she understood very well she could not afford a doll.
At this moment she wished she never met lucia
She walked away from lucia and her friends. She couldn't stay with someone who hurt her feelings like that.

Once angie arrived at home later in the evening she presumed that she should ask her mom if she could get a doll.
She waited for the right moment to broach the subject.
" mom , i want a doll ..." but she was turned down with a simple and clear answer
" no! That is just luxury we are fighting hard to put food on the table i just can't...."

The next morning was a dreary and cheerless one. It rained steadily, clouds resting and upon the very tree tops😖 but Angie had to go to school. She walked on wearing a rather sad face. She let the rain trickle down her face despite having an umbrella.

School became a great change for Angie.
She walked to her locker to fetch her books and what she found inside 😱 was Lucia's doll. 
She clasped it in her hands she wanted to throw it away but it was too late.
Lucia was now standing next to her.
" so! You decided to steal my doll? " this was now getting attention and people started gathering around them.
Angie was now freaking out 😓
" no you put it inside my locker how could you!"
Lucia started pulling the doll from her.
But Angie didn't want to let go and the doll tore apart ! 😨
And the next minute it was now a fight Lucia started pulling Angie's hair ( typical girl fight)
And then it started raining slaps .she slaps her and then the other 😮
And the crowd started cheering.
And Angie did something mistakenly very wrong.
She bit Lucia's cheek 😨 
And out came blood!
And Angie spit Lucia's flesh on the floor.
And blood started spurting from the wound. Lucia couldn't hold on the pain she let go of Angie .
She touched her cheek blood!
And the world seemed slow motion to her now.
She looked at Angie who looked rather amused and satisfied and yet afraid. Lucia looked sternly at her 😠 eyes full of hate and uttered three strong words " I hate you" .
By then the teachers had arrived at the scene.
The two girls were summoned to the principal.
What followed : her parents came and complained about the incident and decided to take her to a better and decent school 👈 that is Lucia's parents .
Angie on the other hand was got the worst of the insults from her parents and she was made to cut her hair💇 as a punishment for the disgrace ...the hair that she loved so much 😔
A pandemic of sorrow swept Angie , I mean no one would want such a friend.
And everyone feared her.
When she walked in school corridors she every one became quiet and stared at her with some hideous whispers.
Angie became a loner at a young age 😖
She would eat her lunch alone watch other children play excitedly , walked home alone became part of her to be alone 😭
Every thing was so soul destroying to her not thing interested her in life.
The closest creature to her life was Bella her cat. Even so cats don't use human speech , but if Bella could have voiced her sentiments the air would have been deep purple 😸
Nevertheless Angie had no anticipation to shorten her grief

       I LOVE YOU ALL💕💕😘

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