chapter 5

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Angie tried to relax , tried to remember the incident.
Just as well , she thought if she had fallen she didn't want to remember.
She felt a little wave of something something unpleasant.
The pain receded marginally.
Footsteps returned.
"I've got someone with me" the man said.
" why don't you open your eyes?"
Angie felt sleepy but she opened her eyes.
The room was poorly lit there was dim light source somewhere to her left.
She could only see shapes 😓
" who is it?" She asked.
"Your mother!" her mother's sharp voice said.
She took her hand " what is wrong with you ?" the voice was now angry.

" I am William the other voice said.
" I am a neurologist on staff at Sinai that's where you are"

" maybe I could get a look at you" .
The was a long silence everyone seemed frozen.
" relax now " the man said .
" I just want to take a look at your eyes"
Angie felt fingers on her eyelids and from a great distance came a pinpoint of light.
She heard the doctor sigh again.
" what is it?" She asked but didn't get an answer.

Later on Angie sat up in the bed trying to eat but she couldn't figure it out.

Doctors , nurses paraded through her room all previous day but no one came in  today

" where is the doctor have they given up on me ?" She questioned herself.

As if on cue Dr William entered the room .
" Good morning " he said " how are you feeling today "
Angie felt like the man cared a lot about her not like her god dam parents whom  have checked up on her once since she got admitted.

" better but I still can't see anything" Angie replied.
He dragged up a chair and Angie could now smell he s Cologne and it felt nice.

" I'm going to tell you all I know " he said " I owe you that much"
" I am blind is that it?" She held her breath and waited for the answer.
" I wish I could give you a definitive answer but all I can promise you is that you have a very good chance of getting better"😩

Angie couldn't believe her ears 😱
"When you fell you struck the back of your head on the rock damaging the occipital lobes of your brain those that lie at the back of your skull there was no fracture and that's good"

" And it whats the extent of the injury?"

" I wish I could tell you exactly but I can't think of it this way you have bruised part of your brain and that explains the pain you feel."
" what's the prognosis ?" She dreaded his answer 🙏

" There is a wide chance you may remain the way you are "
Angie let out an involuntary gasp she wished to be dead now.
Like how could she live?
" But the hurt part of your brain could regenerate completely and your sight restored"

And after a really long conversation Angie was left alone with her mother.
She tried hard to switch mental gears from the fear of blindness.
" let us talk about school " Angie said.
" you worry about getting well" her mom said.

" mom I am blind we can't change that ....and that's why I'm telling you I don't want school anymore"

" you are not blind !" She shouted.
" look at you! You let this happen to you yet again I thought you knew Lucia was bad news yet you still made friends with her made yourself blind !" 😐 

Angie expected her mother to scold her they had never been close as mother daughter she was already used to this😢

Later when her mom was gone and she was alone she started sobbing 😭
She had never felt frightened in her life before.

I love you all 😘😘😘muah

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2023 ⏰

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