chapter 3

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Soon Angie joined high school.
She enrolled for Embrace high school.
Again this is where she met Lucia. 😓
She hoped for a better life but the sight of Lucia?....🙅
She became like a skiff on the ocean tost, with her rudder broke ,and her anchor lost, deserted and all forlon.😔
And Lucia her eyes lay sporting on eyes of delight.
Revenge, revenge revenge 😎.
She believed would appease her restless spirit 😏

The revenge commenced on day one .
All and saundry were sitted quietly and excited having great ambitions 💪 on how they were going to spend their highschool life.
When something peculiar happened.
Some body in the dark wainscoted room farted.
And the pongy odour filled the atmosphere of the room...everybody clenched their nose.💀

Lucia stood and pointed at Angie " she did it ! She farted! " 😨
So ultrmundane was the moment and everyone in the room gasped.
Angie was outflanked by the words and faced ignominious defeat and a small squeaky voice came from her
" No- its - not -me." Eventfully the whole class broke into wild laughter what followed Angie ran out of class ashamed of an act that was not hers 😔
She had not farted.
At the bathroom and Angie went on and sobbed loudly ( let it all out )
Suddenly she became hysterical and I'll tempered and decided there is no way 👌 Lucia would get away with this 🙅

Once back in the classroom , the whole class chanted ' Angie the farter! Angie the farter ! Angie the farter ! '
Angie gathered herself up acted like a he - man💪 she strolled up to where the one and only hoity- toity Lucia sat sterned and head high up .

And a slap landed on her face  😏
" you have no right to mock me you hubri!"
Swiftly Lucia erected from her sit.
" yah now I'm a hubri?...mmmh trying to play innocent you bignose slugbrain?...everybody look at what this pooptroused monkeysnot did to my face! you are gonna pay for what you did!" 👹
She said a smirk spreading on her face.
The amused classmates started to chant ' fight! Fight! Fight!'
and their mercurial cries were heard .
Angie was the one who approached first charging a fist at Lucia's chest and left her gasping for breathe.
In exchange she was given a blow that sent her kissing the floor.😘

Lucia was not done she pushed her desk which fell on Angie's arm
Angie let out a scream wild scream😭
Lucia was not satisfied she sat on the locker with her earth bound weight and finished by standing on it and waved at the startled crowd 🙋

She now faced Angie who lay helpless on the ground and told her next time she should come prepared and not just hot - headed.

Angie was left sobbing ' cruel , cruel case must I suffer this much' she asked herself hysyterically.
Rage and fear were at once tearing Angie apart.
She tried to move her arm but was already broke 😔
She recalled it happened so fast she wished to prove she didn't fart but now she had a broken arm?😖

After the news got to the principal they were summoned yet again.
They were asked to behave like grown people and if any of that kind of nonsense was heard again they were getting an expulsion!

After all Lucia though why can't they be friends 👹
An opportunity to manipulate her the way she wanted 😎
She decided to make unhonest friendship with Angie.

Angie was stupid enough to fall for it.
Angie was made a lucky ; a humble follower .
She was blind folded to the extent of seeing Lucia as a la - di- da.

But fact was Lucia hated Angie and was not gonna change .
She was just guile about her feelings towards her.

Tell me what you think so far about the archenemy
Love you all ...keep reading😘😘💞💞💓

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