chapter 4 😘

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It was now a few months before the start of sophomore year.
Lucia and Angie decided to take a bicycle ride to lake Geneva a distance of thirty miles from their town.
And this is where the worst happened to Angie😖

They stepped at an old house 👻near the beach.
Lucia suggested they explore it.
They went in on and about and came across the deck of the house.
It was a very great spot to view the lake.
Lucia led the way along a catwalk of planks.
" Be careful there," Angie shouted.
" Don't worry in fact come and join me this is really fun" Lucia called back.
Angie was ever scared of heights but what did you expect of course she went to Lucia.
" isn't that a gorgeous sight?l always wanted to leave by the lake but mom didn't like it out here"
She Jumped up and down on the plank steadying herself.
" stop it you are scaring me!" Angie said with a shaky voice .

" oh! You are scared?I thought you were the brave Angie😎
Ha ! Ha!"
What followed Lucia gave Angie a push 😱
Angie lost her balance and she felt the plank give way .
😵she tightened her grip on the plank and tried to turn and reach it with her other hand.
But the plank had parted.
And she was falling 😲
She couldn't keep her grip.
Twenty feet separated her fr the beach and the fall seemed to be in slow motion.
Her feet struck a supporting beam.
And she began to turn sideways 😵
Please , she was thinking let there be sand below me 🙏
She fell and fell and when she struck the beach only part of it was sand 😭
She was lying on her back and under her head were rocks.
The pain was so intense that only unconsciousness could stop it.
As she passed out she heard Lucia's voice from somewhere above her.
Laughing an evil and amused laugh.😭

The pain had stopped but it began again.
Angie sucked in a deep breathe and when it escaped an involuntary moan went with it.
From somewhere nearby there was a rustle and footsteps on a hard surface.
Then there was quiet.
Angie was afraid to open her eyes for fear of making the pain much worse .
Most of her body ached but her head ached the worst.
She had never had such a headache. 😖😓

A moment later there were more footsteps.
" you are awake are you? " a soft male voice said.
" I am afraid to open my eyes" Angie said " it hurts"
" your head ? " " yes "
" don't worry ....but first you have to give us your parents contacts.

Angie couldn't believe this she had been in hospital for almost three days and her parents didn't bother 🙅

After giving out the contacts.
The doctor requested she does something for him.
" will you wiggle your fingers?"
She wiggled them"Good"
The hand took her other one
" now this one"
She wiggled the other fingers.
The hand released hers.
Then the two hands were resting on her feet.
" Now wiggle your toes " she wiggled them , then she had a sigh.

" Good girl" the man said.
" wonderful girl , I thought you had been paralysed in the fall"

Angie heard writing on the pad.
And the other person the nurse she guessed left the room and returned shortly.
A hand pressed a pill into her lips then a glass straw.

" Good you'll feel better in a few minutes .
Just try to rest and don't move around.

Are you enjoying the book?😝
Let me know this is just my first work 😘😘😘
Thanks for reading ....
Love you all💓💓💓

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