chapter 1:Start of a new life

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3rd person pov
It was a beautiful day. The flowers were blooming, and a gentle breeze was blowing. When Ayanokoji Kiyotaka reached the bus, there were a lot of people and the bus. He took a seat and observed his surroundings. A lot of students were there who were wearing the same uniform as him. As he was scanning around, the bus started. He was in deep thought (the one about the equality of humans) when he heard a commotion. He saw a blonde hair boy, sitting in the priority seats and another middle-aged woman arguing.

Woman: Hey, can't you see that this old woman is having difficulty standing? Can't you give up your seat?

Boy: And why should I do that? It's not my responsibility.

Woman: But she is older and superior to you. Should you not think about it?

Boy: Well, most certainly, she is older than me. But that doesn't necessarily make her superior to me. For someone like a perfect existence like me, I can give up my seat, but what good will that bring me?On the contrary, I'll get tired from standing.

Woman: How can you talk to someone older than you like that?

At this moment, a blonde hair girl approached them.

Blonde hair girl: You should give up your seat. Can't you see she is having a problem? I think you will be contributing to society through this.

Old lady: Oh, don't worry about that. I am fine.

Boy: See, she said that she is fine. Then there's no need to worry. Also, I don't want to contribute to society .And if you want to help her, can't you ask someone else to give up their seat? There are plenty of people who can help.
The blonde girl didn't give up. She stepped forward and asked if anyone gonna give up their seat. After some time, an office lady gave up her seat, causing the commotion to die down. After that, Ayanokoji saw a girl sitting next to him reading a book, who didn't take her eyes off the book even in this whole commotion.
After 10 minutes or so, they reached the school. After getting off the bus, he stared at the school in which he would be reading for the next 3 years. He started walking towards the school. But then he was stopped by the girl who was reading the book on the bus. She asked, "Why were you looking at me?" He answered, "Oh, I just thought you didn't give up your seat and were not interested in the commotion like me, so I thought we were similar." At this, she answered, "Don't think we are similar just because of that. I didn't do it because it was not worth my time. So don't get the wrong idea." And she walked away. He sighed and thought, "Doesn't that make you worse than me?" And started started walking. He noticed the black-haired boy was also getting off the bus and started walking towards the entrance. He started walking too.

The entrance ceremony was so boring that most of the students became sleepy. After the ceremony, he went to his assigned class, which was 1-D. When he entered the class, it was already half full. Students were chatting with each other. He found his seat next to the window in the last row. When he sat down, he heard a sigh. "What an unpleasant coincidence. " An annoyed voice said. It was the girl from earlier. He thought, "The feeling is mutual." But didn't say it out loud. At this moment, a beautiful lady in her 20s came into the class. She told them," Take your seat. Homeroom will begin."

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