11 highschool

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Ricky Perez

I shouldn't have gone to school the next day. Even Mariam tried to warn me but I didn't heed the advice as usual. I even wore a black turtleneck with long sleeves to cover everything up but I still got sneers and a couple glares while walking in the hallways. They were all from girls in the pack. Of course they would've known about what happened between me and Jax whether i hid his marks or not because his scent was all over me.

"Aw~ Ricky looks like Jax's dick isn't the only thing you can suck on. Praying that you get some tonight too, maybe that'll boost your motivation to do better on the next test." Simon put his hands together and taunted me.

I slam the paper that had a fat red 37%  down on my desk (same Ricky T^T) . I hadn't even known there was a test today and clearly didn't have time to study but he didn't have to mock me for it. I shove Simon's shoulders with so much force that his back hit the nearest wall.

"Maybe you should shut up before I knock out all your teeth." I take a swing at him but someone grabs me from behind and pulls me back before I'm able to smash his jaw.

"Ricky please don't hurt him!" I hear Kennedy shout from behind me. This makes me stop and hug her instead, reassuring her that I wasn't going to do anything to her mate. That what I'd said was just an empty threat even though she clearly saw me swing at him.

The day didn't get much better when i'd finished my classes. I swung my bag over my back and was talking to my friend Kylie as we exited the building when I was stopped in my tracks.

"Get in the car Ricky." He says—pulled up at the front entrance with his window down.

"No." I refuse.

"Get in the car" He says in a slower more demanding tone, as if to say, "don't test my patience".

The attitude he's giving me makes me want to resist more. "No creep. Get lost before I call the cops on you for suspicious activity towards minors. This is a school zone you know."

"No shit." He replies.

Then I start to hear a few squeals behind me as more people came out the school doors "oh my god, oh my god, Jax is here!!!"

"Woah wait he's picking up Ricky?!"

"Whats he doing at our highschool? Isn't the alpha in college?"

"I haven't seen him in so longg. Jaxon looks so motherfucking sexy."

"Shhh he can hear you!"

I hear the whispers and commotion of the people around me and Kylie takes notice too.

"Ricky who is that guy? Do you know him?" Kylie, my human friend, goes on her tippy toes and whispers in my ear.

"No I've never seen that man in my life." I whisper back, knowing fully well Jax can hear me because of his wolf hearing.

He growls in the mindlink "Is this about me not pulling out? Are you really still mad about that? In that case then I'm sorry."

My face heats up red with embarrassment and anger. He's making me sound stupid and it's not even just about that. Why is he trying to pick me up from school and be persistent?!? I didn't ask to spend his rut with him, he just doing whatever the fuck he wants! Even now this asshole is saying something embarrassing and making me sound ridiculous for worrying about getting pregnant.

"Ugh.. Fucking die in hell." I mutter and roll my eyes. I grab Kylie's wrist with me so that we can walk past him.

I hear a car slam as we walk away and suddenly my arm is yanked back. He clutches me tightly around my waist with his arm. My back is pulled against his chest. He lifts my chin up with his fingers to display my —struggling to fight out of his grasp—face, to my friend "My naughty little Ricky seems to be defiant again today. Do you mind if I take him?" I look up at him with a scowl as he's asking permission from Kylie with too wide, and fake of a grin. I can't think of anything more than how he looks like an evil villain right now. Which is probably what Kylie thought too because he scared her—either that or he charmed her— into agreeing for him to take me. I swear all my friends betray me for men. I really need to find better ones.

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