2 dawn, dusk, & twilight

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Ricky Perez

I wake up to the comfort of my own room but don't have much time to myself as I hear a knock on my door. I don't even have answer before she lets herself in and then leaps onto my bed.

"How was Justin's party yesterday?" She asks eagerly and wide eyed.

I squint one of my eyes and scratch my ear, trying to think "Kinda boring honestly. You know how that place is, always crowded but with nothing to do but standing around and talking."

Emily groans " aw but I like those kinds of gatherings though. I love meeting new people and then talking about random shit I could never tell anyone in my personal life. Those people are always the best listeners with the greatest reactions too."

"Well then you should've gone with me." I 'boop' her nose and she scrunches it in response.

"But my examm." She groans and pulls both hands to her head and hold her hair in frustration. "I already had to reschedule the date and couldn't the evening time slot. If I could've gone I would."

Emily is a year older than me and a freshman in college. Even though technically she's older, I treat her like she's the younger one. Because with her short stature and her long curly locks, she's so cute I can't help it. She's one of my best friends within the pack and we share the same living space in the pack house.

The "young adults" within the pack, age 17-22, are dispersed between 3 categorized pack houses for learning "independent living purposes" is what the alpha said. Which I think is a bullshit excuse for his son Jaxon and his friends to get a pack house of their own to throw frat parties, but who am I to say anything.

The three pack houses are named Dawn, Dusk, and Twilight. Our pack house is Dawn, which consist of  Emily, Henry, Knox, Mariam, Liam, Samuel, and I. Dusk pack consist of Justin, Kennedy, Quincey and a bunch of others I don't care enough to remember. Twilight house consist of what I believe are what the pack considers are the "powerful people" such as Jaxon, the next alpha in line, and Nolan, his beta. Then there's Thea who's father is the Delta, and the list goes on..
(don't worry abt remembering the names, I'll try introducing each slowly)

Even though I think the house distribution was a random assortment besides the Twilight house, everyone has a sense of loyalty to their pack house. When all three houses meet up for events we always split games according to the houses and compete against each other. Which I honestly love because I'm really competitive and I pride myself in my abilities and my relationship with my housemates. 

"Justin is so fucking hott, I wish to chat with him again. Just one more time before I drown myself away in missing assignments." Emily sighed, throwing her arms over my thighs and resting her head on my lap. "I'm feeling hopeless." She murmured.

"You can go see him later today. I heard from Henry earlier this week that some pack members were planning on meeting down at the beach for a small volleyball game. Justin's most likely going to be there since he's good at sports but we could always ask Henry for confirmation."

"Really?!" She lifted her head and instantly perked up. "Should we actually go?!?"

"Yeah, it's the weekend so why not! I also need to get a tan, I think I'm getting too pale."

We got dressed for the day and did our morning hygiene routine whilst still talking to each other. The conversation was carried with us downstairs at breakfast, sitting by the kitchen island.

"Should I wear the blue striped bikini with frills? Or the simpler but cuter, yellow one?" Emily asked me as she scooped a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.

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