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"The Dunne Brothers", as the band of 5 had labeled themselves, became a local hit. They played event after event and loved it. It was a fun little was to pass time, until it became bigger them any of them though it would. 

Graham Dunne: The band was... you know it was just a distraction. An escape, you know? I mean none of us ever thought of it as anything more than that, not even Billy. And then one night, everything changed. 

The band played their regular set, during what was supposed to be a regular gig. partway through one of the songs, Something caught Billy's eye, pulling him out of the music and onto the figure of an older man stumbling about with a young woman. He froze, no longer singing, and just staring in disbelief. This catching Graham's attention as well, as his eyes then followed Billy's to the man. Then their eyes met, and breaths quickened, before Billy ran off stage, with the rest of the band mates following closely behind their lead singer. He broke through the doors to the outside, sighing, with graham right on his trail. 

"Hey Billy," the boy spoke, "He's supposed to be in Georgia, Graham." the older brother replied, trying to understand the situation. 

"Well, he's not, all right?" replied the younger one, before continuing, "I bet he never even fucking left". 

By this point the other three members had caught up to them, unaware of the situation and confused. 

"What's wrong with you guys?" Eddie asked, "Hey, not now, Eddie." replied Graham, trying to calm himself and Billy down. 

"You sound great tonight, man. And you were fucking ripping in there. What's going on" wondered Warren, unaware of the gravity that the tension held. 

Graham defeated, knew it was best to tell his friends what had happened, "You see that guy in the plain suit?" he asked the others, "Who? the creepster with the comb over, and the girl half his age?" asked warren, laughing at the though of the man. 

"Yeah, he's our dad." replied Graham, catching the other boys off guard. 

Graham Dunne: I mean, I was four when he left. So i never really had a father, but it was different for Billy. He worshipped the guy. 

"I'm Gonna say something." Billy said, determined. 

And though the rest of the boys tried to prevent it, the series of event in which followed are actually quite simple. Billy approached the man, asking if he knew him, to which the man replied that he "would recognize that guitar anywhere.", that enraged him. He tried to give the guitar back and when the man refused, he smashed it, before walking away. And Graham, always having his brothers back, punched the man, a show of their rage and newfound distaste for the man. Graham and the other three then followed Billy back out of the building.

 "Billy, you okay man" Asked Graham.

Graham Dunne: You know, I can still see the look on Billy's face. I mean, that was the moment this thing became real. 

"Guys, come here," said the boy, pulling his four band mates into a huddle. 

The obliged, all looking to the oldest boy.

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