Chapter 15- recruites

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I got to the shop and entered. Of course I wore my hood so nobody would know it's me. I have to get their attention. I started grabbing random stuff and stuffing them in my pockets. I tried to make it obvious so that someone would notice.

"Hey! You can't steal stuff! Thief!" Someone shouted. Everyone began shouting trying to get me to stop.

"Now that's no way to bring joy." I heard one voice.

"That'll cost you 50 galleons, plus the price of each item." Another said.

"And if I don't pay?"

"There will be dire consequences."

"That's alright. I don't really want any of it anyways. The stores just too big and I didn't want to search it."

"Who are you?" They asked together.

"Padfoot asked me to grab him a few stuff."

"Oh then by all means. Take what you want."

"You could've asked."

"Like I said, you're stores too big. I came here for another reason though. Maybe we could go somewhere private?"

"Follow us."

We went into a back room and I pulled the hood off immediately.

"What's up?"

"Have you ever encountered the Imperius curse?" I asked.


"Have you fought it?"

"It was easy. Professor moody, well I guess it was crouch jr. But he-"

"Wait what? Crouch Jr.?"

"Yeah, he used poly juice potion and turned into Moody. He taught us the unforgivable curses."

"Crouch Jr." I said with a smile. "Of course he did."

"Do you know him."

"We went to school together." I said as if he wasn't my best friend.

"Anyways, we fought it off pretty easy. Why you askin?"

"I need to master it."


"Can you keep a secret."

"Can we keep a secret he asks."


"I'm a spy. I've been pretending to be loyal to Voldemort. I have to master the curse so that I can learn how to defeat him."

"Wicked. So you want to practice on us?" Fred asks.

"Sure." George says.

"Alright I'll tell you when. I need to get a few others on board."

~time skip~

'Dear Harry,

I need your help. You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. Not even Ron and Hermione. I've heard that you were able to fight off the Imperius curse. I need to be able to get powerful at it in order to defeat Voldemort. I was wondering if I could practice on you. If so just let me know and we can decide a place and time.


I sent the letter and then aparated to Malfoy manor.

"Am I late?" I asked as I walked into the meeting."

"Just on time." Voldemort answered and gestured to the seat on his right. "Now Draco."

I looked to my cousin as he walked into the room. He looked paler than usual, he seemed scared.

"I'm glad you have decided to take the mark." No, please don't.

Draco received the mark and sat between his parents.

"By the end of the school year, Dumbledore will be dead. Isn't that right Draco?"

"Yes." So his mission is to kill Dumbledore.



"I want you to work on taking down the government. I want complete control over it by next summer. You are my prodigy after all. This job seems fit for you. I want you to find a way for your fellow death eaters to infiltrate it."

"Of course it shouldn't be too hard."

"After we have most of the government on our side, kill scrimgoure." Everyone began laughing.

After the meeting I dragged Barty away.

"Who are you loyal to?" I demanded.


"Are you loyal to Voldemort?"

"No. You know I never have been. I joined to not die. To protect my parents and friends. Of course joining clearly doesn't help too much seeing as most of them are dead."

"Good. I want your help taking him down." Barty got his evil glint in his eye and smiled.

"Now we're talkin. What do you want me to do?"

"I need to learn to master the Imperius curse. I'll set up a time for us to meet with a few others."


I went back into the house and found Draco. He was staring at a wall looking ready to cry.

"How are you doing?" I asked and sat next to him.

"Were you scared? You know when you joined. You were my age."

"I was absolutely terrified."

"Then why did you join?"

"I was forced to. My mum made me."


"Yes but don't tell anyone. They'd probably have me killed if they knew I didn't want to be here."

"You don't want to be a death eater?"


"Then why did you come back?"

"To destroy Voldemort. He killed a lot of people that are important to me and I'm going to make him pay."

"Why are you telling me? I just joined him."

"I know you're not a bad person Draco. You won't tell anyone."

"Can I help you?"

"No. It'll be too dangerous. Just do what he asks."

"What about you? What if you get caught?"

"Then I'll die. It's not too bad. I thought I was going to die at eighteen but I lived. Besides everyone already knows what it's like if I'm dead so they'll be fine."

"I won't be. You're much better to talk to than father."

"I'll do my best to stay alive." I've been promising that to a lot of people recently, and yet I don't plan on worrying too much about if I die.

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