Chapter 14-Ministry

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I felt my mark burn and pressed my fingers against it. I apparated to Voldemort's location and stood in my assigned spot.

"Regulus Black? You're believed to be dead." His cold voice sent shivers up my spine.

"I was in a coma. I just recently woke up and I am now ready to join you once again my lord."

"Welcome back."

"He should not be welcomed back." Someone said,

"Why not, Lucius?"

"Because we can not believe he is loyal."

"What do you want me to do? Kill my sibling, like you." He flinched.

"It wasn't me."

"Might as well have been. Did you do anything to stop it? Who cares either way though, she was a blood traitor." A few death eaters laughed.

"I missed your insults." I heard Barty's voice say and I smiled.

"If anyone has a problem with Regulus joining again, then you can choose to fight him and see if you can win." Voldemort said and I smiled when no one came forward. "Now moving on, we need to find a way to make Harry Potter grab the prophecy for us."

"How would we do that My lord?" Lucius asked.

"I sent a vision through Harry's head. He should be going there tonight. Lucius you will lead a group and get the prophecy from him."

"Yes my lord."

"You're all excused."

Just before I aparated away Barty grabbed my arm.

"Let me help you. I know what you're doing."

"We can talk later." I aparated away.

"Mr. Black. Any News?" Dumbledore asked as I walked into the kitchen of number twelve grimmauld place.

"Yes. They are going to try getting a prophecy. They lured Harry there."

"Yes, I know. Severus already told me. You need to worry about the Horcrux."

""I'm going to worry about the people I care about." I left the house and changed into a Hippogriff.

I flew to the ministry and found a way in. I could hear crashes and follow the sound. I got into a room and could see members of the Order fighting the death eaters. I looked around and spotted Sirius. He was fighting Lucius Malfoy. I started flying towards him but spotted Bellatrix. She aimed her wand at Sirius. I dove to block the flash of red light. It hit me square in the chest and I went flying back a bit. If I had been human I would have been knocked out. I seemed to have caught a lot of attention and spells began being aimed at me. I dodged them. After a while everyone was busy fighting and I was freed from my battle for freedom. I flew down to Sirius and stood by his side.

"Glad you joined us." He said.

"That's the bird that attacked my son." Lucius glared. So it was his son.

Dumbledore finally showed up and the death eaters began leaving.

We got home and I crashed on the couch.

"Thanks. You saved my life." Sirius said. I just sent him a smile and didn't answer.

"Where have you two been?" Marisa stormed into the room. I sat up quickly.

"We've been fighting death eaters." We said in unison.

"Dumbledore said you two have to stay here. Do you know how worried I've been?"

"Harry was in danger." Sirius explained.

"Dumbledore wouldn't let him die."

"Only because he needs him." I argued.

"Dumbledore is trying to save people he doesn't need a motive. He saved you."

"He only saved me because he can use me. I know what he wants. I'm doing the same though. I'm using him."

"Just promise you won't leave anymore."

"Now way." We talked together.

"I'm a free man now." Sirius said.

"I have things I have to do." I said.

"I don't want you guys to get hurt." She looked mostly at me.

"I'm going to leave you two alone." Sirius walked out.

"You don't need to worry about me. I can take care of myself."

"You don't have to though. You can rely on someone else for once. I'm here for you. We all are."

"You're amazing." I stare at this person that I've loved for so long.

"Please just let me help you." Tears began running down her face. She's been crying a lot recently.

I walk up to her and gently wipe her tears away.

"Please don't cry."

I tuck her hair behind her ear and she looks into my eyes. I trail my fingers down her neck and she takes a deep breath. She starts to lean closer and I lick my lips. We're an inch apart when my mark burns. I pull back and step away.

I clear my throat, "I have to get going."

She nods and stares at the ground.

"I'll see you tonight?" She looks up at me confused. "We can talk when I get back."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Darling." I walked out leaving her alone.

~time skip~

Narcissa invited me to live at Malfoy manor with her family. I couldn't refuse because I couldn't come up with a reason good enough without revealing my secret. Lucius Malfoy slipped up and broke the prophecy, so he's no longer in the higher ranks. I'm slowly crawling my way up to the top.

Voldemort seemed to trust me, but clearly not enough. I have to do something to gain his trust. I have to become more powerful.

The next few weeks I began training in secret with Sirius. I studied books on spells. The only time I was at the Malfoys was for dinner or meetings.

Marisa grew more and more suspicious the more time went on. She asked questions about where I was, why I was never around. I have to protect her at all costs, even if that means losing her again.

"What spell do you need to master next?" Sirius asked as he lounged on the couch.

"The Imperious curse. If I can get strong enough to control at least ten people I can easily over power Voldemort." I answered.

"That's illegal."

"So what? I'm technically dead. They can't throw a dead person in prison."

"I'm sure that won't stop them."

"Whatever. Just add it to the list of my crimes."

"Alright. Practice. If you can control me then we can figure something else out."

"Imperio" Sirius went stiff and I was allowed into his mind.

"Jump." He did as told. This is too easy. I released him from the spell and sighed.

"Sorry. I thought I would fight it better then that."

"We need someone who has fought the curse. We need more than one person."

"Harry once told me that he's fought it."

"I can talk with him and work something out. I'll see who can all help. Maybe the twins."

"You think they could help?"

"They're smarter than you think. I'm going to go visit them."

"Alright see you later. Buy me something grand from the joke shop."

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