They Converse...

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"Excuse me! Please come."
Unsure, Ellie crossed the road and walked toward his car. Getting to the window of his car, she saw him tugging at his finger. "He must be shy" she thought within herself. And he began
"Good day. I really like the way you walk. I couldn't help myself, I just kept looking."
Ellie blushes even more. Within herself though. Outward, she kept a plain face so he wouldn't think she's moved by any of it. She liked to carry herself and not let men think they could get a smile out of her with cheap talk. And he went on
"Can I please have your number? I want to get to know you better."
He said so handing her his phone. She took it and typed in her number. She had this thing where she'd not be sure she typed her correct number once she gives the person back their phone. She only hoped she typed in the correct number for real. She liked him. He had a warm and nice approach. Looking at him, he must be in his 30s she guessed. He offered to drop her off, but she declined. Even if she liked this stranger, she didn't want him knowing where she lived already. After promising he'd call, they said goodbye and he drove off.
With smiles on her face and in her heart, she walked home. Her battery was almost dead. She feared he'd call when her battery would be flat. She hoped for power. And as it would happen, power did come. She was over the moon.
True to his word, he called that very evening. They conversed for a bit and he talked about how nice her voice sounded over the phone. He also recounted their meeting that day... Ellie beamed with great smiles. Unfortunately, he said he had to go, but they could talk on WhatsApp. Perfect! Ellie immediately went to the app. Getting to his number, she saw he had a profile picture of himself and she quickly checked it. For some strange reason, she couldn't completely remember what he looked like. There he stood, with dark glasses on, looking handsome. She waited for him to text her first. God forbid it that she would text a man first, for she was an old fashioned gal. After a few minutes, his message came in
"Hey Beautiful"

Ellie's Beast of PreyWhere stories live. Discover now