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Excited, she replied... Alex. His name was Alex. What a cute name she thought. They talked about everything from her name, to her favourite colour, food, movie, book, person, everything!... He was such a gentleman. After a while of talking, he said he had to go... Their conversation had ended for that day...
From their conversation, she knew he was 30 years old, and worked at an electricity company as the accountant. She teased him for the poor power his company was giving.
Days had passed, yet they would talk every day but only on WhatsApp. Mostly in the evenings and late into the night cause he had work during the day. They talked even more, and about even deeper things. They flirted with each other often. Ellie was crushing even more on him, and it seemed he did also. It was bliss.
Ellie told her friends about him. She couldn't keep it to her herself anymore. She told her friend Brett all about him. Brett was not one to show emotions hence he treated it as every other guy Nor as he liked to call her had met.
Weeks had passed and they flirted even more. When they would talk, he'd call her 'Baby' and it made her smile. However, something else always seemed to need his attention. Ellie didn't mind. She figured he had a life so he had other stuff to do. That cool evening as they chatted on WhatsApp, they talked as usual but planning to meet up to see each other again. Ellie was game! She expected that he'd tell her how he felt about her, and possibly ask her to be his girlfriend. They set a date and stuck to it. They were to meet a week from that day. Talking further, she asked him if he knew how to cook.
"No, I don't" he replied.
"Really? So how do you eat? It will be quite expensive to buy food everyday" She questioned.
She saw 'typing' on his name, meaning he was typing a reply. And then the message came, she didn't open it, but read as much as she could see from the bar.
"I wanted to tell you this when we meet..."
She became confused. What did he want to wait until they'd meet before he'd tell her. Was he going to confess his feelings now? But they weren't talking about feelings, they talked about food. Whilst she thought on it, she saw 'typing' again. And then the message came in. Again, she didn't open it, but read it from the bar. And he said.
"I'm married"

Ellie's Beast of PreyWhere stories live. Discover now