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The wind gusted through the trees. Rain pattered as the leader loomed over the unmoving body. "Poor kittypet." The black and white warrior said with dismay as he stood beside his leader. The eyes of the injured cat were almost an unmistakable blue.

"Should we bury him, take him to camp, or leave him here?" A pretty dappled she-cat rose her voice above the violent rain. "He's still alive." The leader answered. Staring onto his rising and sinking flank.

"We're taking him to camp. LightningClan needs more warriors. So many cats have been stripped away from us after..." Slatestar trailed off as if something dark entered her mind. "It's okay to remember Slatestar..." Blackfoot reassured.
"He must be very loyal to his owners, but then why would they throw him out the window during a storm?" She sighed.
"Maybe he knows something we don't?" Blackfoot replied. He flicked his black tipped tail towards the tabby laying still on the dark grass. "That twolegs are terrible creatures?" Mistyspring interrupted.
"Take him." Was Slatestar's final words before a gray blur dashed in front of the injured cat. "You won't take him!" The small gray she-cat yowled in frustration.
"Watch your tongue, mouse-brain! We're mighty forest cats and I don't think any kittypet could stand a chance." Mistyspring hissed back. Blackfoot's fur prickled on end ready for a fight. Mistyspring, on the other side of Slatestar, had her claws flexed. Slatestar was calm between them both.
"What do you know, young cat?" The leader mewed softly. Blackfoot and Mistyspring exchanged confused glances. The little cat replied "This cat isn't who you think he is. He isn't a kittypet. He..." she paused. "Simon, is a human. A Twoleg. He switched bodies with my friend, Sebastian, who had sinister plans and won't let him go back home."
The warriors were confused. "I know. It's complicated. A long story. But please spare his life, he has gone through too much..." Sushi mewed begging.
Everything was silent for a moment. Even the rain seemed to quiet down. Then Slatestar spoke "We weren't going to kill him, young cat."
"We were going to take him to our camp and nurse him back to health. LightningClan needs more cats. Especially loyal ones." Blackfoot budded in.
"Oh, he's loyal alright. Maybe too much. I'll tell you everything you need to know once we get to your camp." Sushi added.
"Who said you were coming with us?" Mistyspring hissed with her eyes a blazing orange.
"Either I go with him or you can't have him." Sushi defended herself and the still body behind her.
Slatestar nodded. "You can come. You seem loyal as well. Blackfoot, Mistyspring, carry him onwards. Little cat, you can keep watch with me. We have a long way to go."
Sushi was delighted she could go with the warriors. She sprang up into the air to follow them. As the two warriors picked up Simon's almost lifeless body the little gray cat noticed two light blue eyes watching her from the twoleg window. Watching the others, as they too, stalked into the forest.

Was he watching the whole time?

Warriors: Autumn BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now