Chapter 1

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Bam! There was a noise that shook the chipmunk awake. He shot open his eyes to see the warm sunlight glaring onto his silver blue colored bed. Rising from his sleep he wondered what had awoken him. His alarm was only 5 minutes until buzzing. The blue chipmunk rolled his eyes thinking, might as well get up now. He spun around to the other side of the bed and grabbed his glasses. Once he had adjusted them on, he could see clearly, Alvin was gone but Theodore was still sleeping. Maybe that's what woke him? Alvin leaving in such a rush? He was too tired to think straight so he ignored it and tip-toed to his closet to change. 
        Simon felt better without the soft matted clothes that he'd been sleeping in. He felt fresher and more awake. But his eyes still felt heavy. Simon peered through his window to see if the noise that had awakened him came from outside. He spotted Alvin and Jeanette bickering with each other. 
     Simon thought nothing of it so he walked downstairs, dragging his feet along the way. It got quiet all of a sudden, very quiet, especially for the Seville house. He liked the quietness and being alone every now-and again because of his brothers annoying him half to death every single day. It was harder on him because he was the 'smart' one. He always had to correct them and make sure they didn't plant themselves into trouble. Especially Alvin.
He made a bowl of cereal and got out a magazine to read while he ate.
    As Simon thought the peaceful morning put him at ease Jeanette and Alvin came bursting through the front door. Jeanette looked angry, stomping toward him and Alvin trotting behind looking very worried. 
"Simon! Where is your machine?! The one that went bonkers yesterday!" Jeanette announced.
Simon was taken aback. "What?" he murmured. 
"Your robot thing! It went haywire! I'm guessing? And-" Jeanette was interrupted.
"I know that my machines aren't perfect but honestly Jeanette, I expected that behavior from Alvin." Simon poured those words out of his mouth half angrily, half astonished that Jeanette would say that about his work.
     "That's the point Simon! I'm Alvin! That thingamajiggy switched us!" Alvin yelled in Jeanettes body. 
    That thingamajiggy was the machine Simon made that could teleport objects into different places. It moves their atoms quickly around, seeming as if they are teleporting. When he tested it outside, Alvin and Jeanette were out there doing chores. It must have hit them and hitting both of them, it switched them. Simon paused for a second to analyze the situation. 
   "Oh, you're serious?! Oh my... well- um" Simon didn't know what to say. 'Jeanette' asked "So where's the machine then?"

  "Well, I took it apart because it didn't work well and I thought it could go to better use..." his words trailed off. 
   'Jeanette' answered angrily "Well fix it then!" 
   "It would be good if you'd hurry..." 'Alvin' suggested in a softer tone.
   Simon thought how he could stay home and work on the machine without Dave being suspicious. Just at that moment 'Jeanette' answered the silent question for him. 
   "Just tell Dave you're sick. Wait, I'll tell him. Go ahead and get in bed." As he said that he darted upstairs almost forgetting he had swapped bodies. "I think it'll be more believable if "Alvin" tells Dave." Simon said with a little chuckle.
   As they separated Simon was remembering where he had left his blueprints. Right beside the machine laying on the table on the left. He was in front of his bedroom door now and he noticed Theodore slipping out. "Hey Theo!" He said urgently. The conversation quickly turned into Simon telling Theodore everything that was happening and to just go with the flow. Theodore appeared confused at first but gave a slight nod and walked away. 
   Simon quickly ran to bed and grabbed the thermometer off of the shelf beside the door. He got tucked in and started to lean the thermometer against the light bulb of his lamp. This made the temperature of the thermometer go up. Once he heard footsteps, he quickly plopped the thermometer in his mouth and started to act sick. It would have been better to just tell Dave, but they were just kids.
   Dave came rushing in. "Simon! You alright?" He said while checking his child's temperature.
  "Oh... well, I- I don't feel so good Dave. Maybe I should stay home?" Simon advised. "Oh, of course!" David answered. 
    At that very moment 'Jeanette' called out "Hey, why don't you ever believe me when I'm sick?!" 
    Dave was a bit bewildered, he didn't know who was actually who. 'Alvin' added while nudging 'Jeanette' towards the door, "She's not feeling well today..."
     Theodore came in with his backpack strapped to his chest. "Hey Alvin! Race you to the car!" 'Jeanette' turned and sprinted out the door, almost tripping Theodore over. 'Alvin' ran after them. 
"Weird." Dave added.
   Once the three were in the driveway 'Jeanette' got in front of Theodore and slingshot himself into the car. "Hey!" Theodore gasped. "Beat that." 'Jeanette' remarked while smirking.
  Dave showed up and hopped in the car. He put the keys in the ignition and the engine sputtered. The rough noise started to stand even so they drove away, headed towards school.
   Meanwhile, Simon was watching them through the window as they pulled out of the driveway. Simon felt bad he couldn't go to school. It was Alvin's dream just to sit down and do whatever he wanted without having to go jump back into having to do school work. But it was Simon's nightmare. Simon loved school and learning new things. It gave him a sense of responsibility and purpose. Being home alone didn't seem to reassure him either. 
   He jump started his camera to record himself rebuilding the ray. He keeps all of his inventions on record. He spotted his blueprints and got to work. His machine lay in front of him. Broken and destroyed. The lights from the ceiling casted glimmers of sparkles onto the metal. The camera was catching everything he was doing. 

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