Chapter 3

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Simon was wildly awakened by a loud rumbling sound. A sour stench filled his nostrils. Gray thick mist swarmed the air around him. He couldn't see a thing. Being frozen in shock and confusion he stood still. Laying down on his belly. The smoke burned his lungs so he hid his face underneath his soft fur. The noise seemed to be moving away? Fresh air flooded over him. The smoke was gone. Simon could see clearly now. It was Dave's car.

They were driving away. "Wait no! Stop!" Simon yelled through the morning air. Catching his breath he started to run but last night's injury was too much. His paw stung sharply. He saw Sebastian peering through the window of the car. Looking at Simon as they drove away. He had won this round.


The chipmunks were heading to school. They were singing their usual songs in the car but 'Simon' wasn't singing along with them. He was looking out the window. Watching the buildings and trees fly by them. Alvin noticed his unusual behavior and was about to ask him if he was okay but then Alvin saw it. Green flashing over Sebastian's eyes. It was from the light coming through the trees and being blocked by the trees also. It stopped when Sebastian turned his head to look at Alvin when he noticed Alvin staring at him.

Alvin was a bit puzzled. Staring into Sebastian's eyes to see if he could see it again, Theodore knocked Alvin out of the trance. Theo started singing again, glancing at Alvin to start singing too.

Alvin didn't know what to think so he went back to singing his song with Theodore.

When they arrived at school they hopped out of the car.

"Have a good day kids! See you soon." Dave noted as he was pulling away slowly.

"Bye Dave!" Theodore answered back. Alvin was busy talking with a group of girls by the picnic tables and 'Simon' was barely limping to the front door of the school. Kevin dashed in front of him.

"Hey Simon. Why haven't you been leveling up your score in Zombie Trex lately?" Kevin began. Asking 'Simon' why he hadn't been active on this new video game. Sebastian ignored him while he opened the door. He didn't leave it open to motion to Kevin to follow him. Instead, he slammed it in his face. Ow! Rude. Kevin remarked to himself.

Alvin was coming up behind him. Adjusting the backpack that hung from his shoulders.

"Hey Alvin. What's with Simon? He's been acting unusual lately." Kevin commented on 'Simon's' such odd behavior. Alvin had been noticing it also.

"Oh, I don't really know. He just been like this since Wednesday." Alvin remarked back. They started to walk together through the school towards their home room class.


The grass felt like marsh under the tan cat's paws. Every time he stepped water would come up and make a small puddle. Even the long tall grass laid flat, drowned by the water. At least it was sunny today. The golden light drove all the darkness away. Why couldn't it drive the darkness away in Sebastian as well?

Simon wondered what to do. He couldn't go to Miss Croners for food, he knew that for sure. Maybe try the chipettes again? But they would be at school by now. Worth a shot. Simon limped awkwardly along the sidewalk. The sun had soaked up all the wetness from the rain so the sidewalk was the only thing decently dry around here.

He reached the grand spiral staircase. The cat looked small compared to such a great tree. Him walking on his toes was getting quite annoying. Simon took another glimpse at the wound. It wasn't bleeding but his paw pad looked swollen. The best thing to do was to pull it out. Simon was too scared to do such a thing. What if it'll hurt too much? What if it'll start to bleed? What if it gets infected? Simon's mind started twirling thinking of all these what ifs. He had to do it.

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