Chapter 2

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There it was. Noise. Birds were singing their songs happily through the morning air. The sun was coming up through the trees where he could see from across the road. It was just poking the top of his house. Simon felt the chill air as he crept out of his bush but it wasn't as cold as it was the other night.

He slept well considering the circumstances. Different scents and smells drowned his nostrils. So many animals were more active in the morning than at night. Well, more friendly ones.

It was too early for anyone to be awake and Simon's belly lurched. He was unusually hungry. He remembered the disgusting salty taste of cat kibble he had before but if it was the only option, he'd go for it.

Simon was too far away from town to try to get any human food but then he remembered. Miss Croner. She might as well feed him, right? It was worth a shot but the way Sebastian had described it was terrifying. He dealt with bullies while he was human with Derek and his buddies but bloody fights? Not in a million years.

The chipmunk never had seen any cats get into fights involving blood so he hoped Sebastian was lying.

Padding along the sidewalk, he was heading towards Miss Croners.


Alvin was just waking up from a restful sleep. He rolled over and smacked his alarm for it to shut up. He stretched and yawned. Rubbing his eyes, he saw 'Simon' sleeping to his left. He was sleeping without his covers on and in the same clothes as yesterday. Theodore, to his right, was getting up out of bed because his alarm blared him awake also.

"Why is Simon still sleeping?" Theodore asked.

"I don't know but I'll wake him." Alvin answered while slipping out of bed.

When Alvin went to shake 'Simon' awake the turned around quickly kicking Alvin in the face.

"Hey!" Alvin yelled, moving his jar to make sure it was still in place.

"That's what you get for scaring me like that!" Sebastian spat back.

"Ok sorry sorry but it's time to get up. We've got school." Alvin recalled while turning away aggressively.

School? Sebastian thought. He never went to school before or heard of it. He'll just have to go with the flow to figure it out. As Sebastian got out of bed, he didn't tighty his sheets or change his clothes. The only thing he did was make sure his hair was okay.

Following Alvin and Theodore downstairs they noticed that 'Simon' didn't get ready. "Hey Si! Go change, your clothes smell like yesterday's lunch!" Alvin addressed in a disgusted tone. Comparing his clothes to the stench of the school cafeteria food.

Sebastian was confused on what Alvin meant by "change" but he muttered an okay and went back upstairs. Maybe he meant change as in change clothes? As Sebastian searched for his clothes, he opened the closet remembering he saw some there when he had stormed out to throw Simon out the window. He decided to go with the light green plaid shirt that buttoned in the middle. Light green was more of his style, maybe it's because it reminded him of the green grass.

Sebastian noticed one of those boxes that looked like a so-called camera to his left. He picked it up to examine it. The side was flashing green as if it was still on. He poked a button and the flashing died away.

Alvin and Theodore were chomping down on their breakfast cereal as Sebastian came back downstairs. There was an empty chair between the other two chipmunks so he guessed that was for him. Sebastian hopped up onto the chair and stared at his food. It looked like weirdly shaped cat kibble but in milk with a silver stick poking out of it.

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