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"But here i am and i'm fucking angry

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"But here i am and i'm fucking angry."

Dawn Macdonald: i met Juniper when i was 23, i was at a bar and she walked in with a big smile on her face. Big boots and a loud laugh. I hated her immediately. (laughs) i watched as all the eyes turned to her, that's just how she is, she walks into a room and everyone turns to her. She was with Karen, Eddie and Warren.

Juniper Reeves: Dawn hated my guts i could see it on her face. I think Eddie caught her eye and that's when i hated her back.

"Ed you got a little birdy eyeing you down." Karen said laughing, Juniper snapped her head over to where Dawn sat staring right at Eddie. She rolled her eyes and looked back at Eddie who was smiling at the girl.

"Eddie do you wanna dance?" She asked, Eddie looked back at her then back at Dawn before nodding. Juniper stood up and grabbed his hand leading him to the dance floor and they started dancing with each other and laughing at each other.

"They just need to get with each other already." Graham mumbled, Warren furrowed his eyebrows "No. The band comes first if they mess that up we're all screwed." He exclaimed gulping down his whisky.

Graham Dunne: he seemed jealous

Karen Sirko: he was definitely jealous for sure!

Warren Rhodes: i was not jealous. I was thinking of the band.

Dawn made her way over to the pair and tapped Juniper on the shoulder "Can i steal him for a sec?" she asked with a strong accent, Junipers face contorted into anger and rolled her eyes before looking at Eddie who shrugged. Juniper stormed over to her band mates and sat down.

"I hate him." She said, a waiter walked over to the booth "A whisky and 5 vodka shots."

"2 for me 1 each for you. None for Eddie."

Juniper Reeves: i had jealousy issues. Major.

Eddie Roundtree: there was just something about Dawn that i was attracted too. I don't remember why.

Dawn Macdonald: i wasn't exactly attracted to Eddie. I think i just wanted to piss off Juniper.

Karen Sirko: Juni got really drunk, came back from the bathroom with coke on her nose. She was a mess. I think even Warren was worried and that guy never stressed. We didn't know what to do, i ended up calling Cami but that didn't end the best.

Camila Alvarez (photographer): when i got there it seemed like her anger just fell on me.

"You deserve better than to be cheated on. I cannot believe you're staying with Billy, and for what? Just for him to continue cheating. you leave tomorrow, get a back bone Camila." She exclaimed, Camila turned away from her and looked at Karen who was looking down. She got up and left.

"She was trying to help!" Graham yelled, Juniper rolled her eyes "I don't need help Graham. I'm fine." She said looking over at Eddie and Dawn at the bar.

"And i want another drink."

Karen Sirko: I think Graham, Warren and i just decided to let it happen and we enjoyed our night. We dealt with that hangover in the morning.

Eddie Roundtree: When i came back to the booth with Dawn, Juni, Graham, Warren and Karen were on another level of drunk.

"and then she bit it! she actually bit it!" Warren exclaimed, the group started laughing with tears in their eyes. Eddie and Dawn walked over to the table arms linked with each other. The group stopped laughing and looked at them

"Hey?" Juniper snapped, Eddie frowned at her "Hey guys this is Dawn."

"Hi?" Karen looked at them confused "Sup." Warren said "Go on with your story." Graham added, Dawn sat next to Karen who sat next to Graham on the right and Eddie across from her next to Warren and on the left of Warren was Juniper.

"Anyway! Anyway! So she bit my dick and i screamed cause it hurt like a bitch! So i had to go get 2 stitches."

"So-So you technically broke your dick. Oh Warren!" Juniper heaved with laughter, Eddie felt something in his stomach turn with jealousy.

"It works perfectly fine!" Warren exclaimed putting his arm around the back of Juniper "You're welcome to help me prove that." He says, Karen and Juniper burst out with laughter "Nice." Graham fist bumps him.

"That's disgusting." Eddie commented making them all look at him "Can i just say something?" Dawn asks

"No." Juniper says immediately

"By all means." Eddie says

"Ive been analysing you all this whole night. I work for Teddy. You're definitely an interesting bunch i mean you can see that you're all in love with each other." Graham choked on his drink and stared at Juniper as she held in a laugh before chugging down her vodka.

"Excuse me?" Karen asks "It's not a bad thing but your whole band could blow up because of it. Warren is clearly in love with her—Juni is it?—Graham i think your name is loves Karen. Eddie wouldn't stop talking about Juni, and Juni has been glaring at me ever since she got here for talking to Eddie."

Dawn Macdonald: silence. That's all they responded with. I knew i was right, i always am.

Juniper and the rest eventually left, Eddie grabbed Junipers arm and pulled her to him "What's going on?"

"Nothing." She shrugged him off slightly slurring, he sighed and looked down "You're annoyed."

"Just stop."

Juniper Reeves: when we performed that next night you could tell something was wrong with billy. It was the first time we ever got boo'd. Teddy came and told us that Camila had given birth. Alone. That was really fucking shit, you could tell he felt horrible. And this little girl, Julia, had her mother always by her side from then on. (smiles) Then he went to rehab. Tour was cut short, i went and met Julia for the first time, she was the most gorgeous little girl. Bright eyes, big smile just like Camila. And that was just the beginning of us. Just the beginning.

Juniper Reeves: i don't think anyone expects to fall of the edge but when your barely holding on all by yourself it's inevitable. I let go. But Eddie he caught me but that wasn't necessarily a good thing. I know that so far it's not a happy story but that's how it was, looking back (looks down with tears in her eyes) you don't expect to get any anger or sadness about what happened. But here i am (looks up) and i'm fucking angry.

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