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 A/N: Hey lovelies! Unfortunately, this didn't make it through to the next round of ONC, but on the other hand, that means I can upload what I have in one go yay :). Since this was meant to be a novella what I have is around 30k+ words, so pretty short and fast-paced. But since this is no longer in the running I might expand on it and turn it into a full-length novel simply because I've had so much fun writing it and love the characters so much. But that will depend on you guys because I also have too many other books I'm working on haha. Congrats to everyone who made it through! 


       They held each other for a while. Until that first bang against the door came. Rosie jumped in his arms with a sob. He gripped her tighter and offered a pathetic, "It's okay, love."

        The banging only got worse after that. Levi could see the crowbar slipping and knew it was almost time. Rosie's hands remained locked onto his shirt with Lily hugged between them. He placed a kiss on both their heads and walked them to the corner of the roof - the one furthest away from the door.

       As much as he wanted to go over there and fight - fight until his knuckles were bloody and there was not an ounce of strength left in him, he was all too aware that if anything would happen to him, Rosie would be left to deal with Lily alone. He couldn't do that to her. They'd all go down together as a family. He may have not been with them from the beginning but he would be there at the end.

        His gun sat heavily in his holster. Levi had never been more aware of it than he was at that moment. He wondered what order he should do it in. Rosie first so she didn't have to see Lily like that, or Lily first so she didn't have to know the sound of a gunshot.

        Levi also wondered how different things would have been for them if he'd never come. Would that zombie-man have got to them? Would the truck have killed them? Rosie's flat was a level too high for the truck to touch but that didn't mean it would be unscathed. It ate at him, how his presence here hadn't changed sod all. That thing was still alive. The zombies still got in. The whole point of coming was to save them and yet here they were, huddled on the roof waiting until the very last second so Levi could shoot the three of them dead.

        It was not what he'd come here to do but at the very least, he could stop them from suffering. Levi would give them the gift of death to spare them the pain and trauma of being eaten alive.

        The door flew open forcefully with a bang. Zombies piled through. At the same time, there was a familiar hum in the air.

        Levi's head shot around, searching the skyline. His heart jumped when he spotted the military bird in the sky.

        They were here.

        They'd finally found them.

        But, so had death. Their cold, rotting forms headed straight for them with a chorus of hungry groans and snapping jaws as if they could taste the fresh scent of human meat in the air. Or maybe it was the fear they could sense.

        Levi peeled Rosie's fingers off his top and squeezed them before letting go. He eyed up the chopper in the distance with a smile. "Told you'd they'd come, love." He would fight now. Levi would hold them off so his men could get here. It didn't matter if he got bit in the process because he no longer had to be around to end Lily and Rosie's life, to ensure they met a quick end instead of a violent and painful one. His men would rescue them and keep them safe. "You'll be in the best hands, I promise."

        "Levi!" Rosie screamed, watching in horror as he rushed towards the hoard of zombies shoving through the door one after the other.

        He stabbed one in the head and threw it into another. Levi pulled out his gun and shot the next one. Lily cried at the sound but Rosie didn't even flinch - just watched with her heart in her throat as Levi fought to buy them more time.

Levi's Last HopeWhere stories live. Discover now