Chapter 19 [Lord Geo??]

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Imagine laughing at your own jokes in a fic while reading your comments. Not me definitely.

Also, comment. It's my sustenance, and you guys are funny. Love click baiting you all with my titles.


"So you know what a gnosis is?" the god looked at her suspiciously. Ai, that wasn't common knowledge? He'd be less likely to believe the truth so lying it is. "Fatui information. Classified." The intense look almost made her spill it all. 

He sighed as he seemed to let it go. "Alright, though I'd like to know how in the world you managed to get one" - 'believe me I want to know too' - " You'll be fine in a few days. It won't kill you since you are essentially immortal." There was a stretch of silence. "...well, thanks for dropping that on me..." The lord of geo raised an eyebrow once more. "I'm more surprised you didn't realize it yet. Nothing extraordinary happened at all?" 

Well unless you count the weird dream, and the wonky tattoos on her back. And add in that the weights in the training room were awfully light after that night, and also that she didn't get tired while training as much as the others. No, it didn't seem so. 

"Well a few things, but nothing so in the face as a gnosis or cold only gods get." "It's more typical for new gods to get this cold. Older ones like me or the rest of the seven don't." Alisia glared. "Is that your way of calling me a baby," He smirked. "Essentially," Alisia glared harder, and he laughed. "Shouldn't you be walking around with a cane then, oh dear old grandpa," She grinned, happy she found a comeback. He was thoroughly amused by this. "I'll remember to bring it next time then," 

Alisia had to actually burst out laughing. "You truly have one?!" She continued to cackle. "Alisia!" A voice called from behind them. Ah, it was Gingerbread man. The baby harbinger walked up to them and then looked down at Rex Lapis, who was currently sitting beside Alisia. He truly had no clue. He looked at him for a while before he decided to totally ignore the man. "I was worried when I didn't find you in bed. Do you know how worried I was to find you dead somewhere because of your illness?" Alisia wanted to cry because of how hard she was holding in that absurd laughter she was about to let out.

Something about a human being 1. completely clueless that it was Rex Lapis sitting in front of him, even though he looks identical to his statues, and 2. That he has the gall to ignore him.

A fluffy coat was placed on her shoulders. Ajax had taken his coat with him. Then Tartaglia finally paid attention to the god sitting beside them. "Excuse us, I'll be taking her back with me." He said to the god. 'Is it just me or does that look like a glare??'

The Archon seemed unaffected and simply spoke. "She will be fine, it is nothing but a cold," Now Tartaglia was really glaring. "I think I know what a cold looks like, and it's definitely not this." he retorted with an unfriendly smile. 'Holy-'

Alisia decided to wave him off. "It's not contagious is it?" She asked. She didn't want to indirectly kill everyone here. Rex Lapis smiled warmly. "Lower life forms are luckily unable to be contaminated with it, so no."  Alisia had to smack her hand over her mouth at the speed of light. Though it hadn't looked like it, the lord of geo had taken offense at being ignored!

Tartaglia looked at her weirdly. "What's up with you-are you laughing?" Now she burst out in a howling laugh. It was too much! The lord of geo looked quite satisfied with himself. And the statement had entirely flown over the harbinger's head.

Nevertheless, Tartaglia had taken her home. Or well, to the place they were staying. Which wasn't a hotel like in Mondstat. Instead, it was a whole apartment. Two bedroom flat with a view. "I thought we were going to stay at a hotel?" Alisia asked Ajax as he set down a bowl of soup. Damn, this man was truly husband material.

"That had originally been the plan, but you got ill and it's easier for me to take care of you if we live here," he said as he walked back into the kitchen. The man even had an apron on! But the man could easily just have gotten some servants or something. By the looks of the apartment, it looked like having 30 servants would cost less. 

A while after Alisia was done eating the soup Ajax prepared - which was delicious by the way- and Ajax was still tinkering in the kitchen, there was a steady knock on the door. With nothing better to do she got up and opened the door there stood the man she had seen just a few hours ago. Was...Was this guy secretly a stalker??

"Mystery man?? What are you doing here?" More specifically she wanted to know how he knew where she lived. He lifted a box that was wrapped in a yellow cloth. "I brought some medicine. I doubt much of the mortal one will help you," oh yeah, not human, right. But she was grateful for the medicine.

"Ah, thank you! I'm really tired of this cold already," He handed her the box. "Could I come in? The leaves have to be prepared in a special way to have any effect. Tea is the best way to consume it," Alisia stepped to the side. Eager to be rid of the cold she threw the thoughts of the geo archon being a stalker out the window.

He stepped inside the apartment and Alisia closed the door behind him. Then suddenly a tuft of orange hair appeared. Ajax's face scrunched up. Throwing away any manners he rudely asked. "What is he doing here?" And glared at Rex Lapis. The god in question didn't give a reaction. Instead, he turned to Alisia and with a smile said. "Will you show me the way to the kitchen?"

Was...Was he giving Tartaglia a taste of his own medicine? Alisia couldn't seem to be allowed not to force down a laugh every time those two were close to each other. Aren't they supposed to be 'married' in the future? Something about chopsticks. They had to at least get along!

"Um, he's here with some medicine. And sure it's-" Ajax cut her off before she showed Rex Lapis the way to the kitchen. "Wait, wait, wait. You're going to trust this random man you met on the street about his 'medicine'. For all we know, it could be something that makes it worse!" Alisia couldn't get the idea of 'angry husband' as Ajax stood there in his apron and complained.

"Don't worry, I've met him before. I trust him. Also don't you want me to get better?" Ajax seemed to shut up at that, though he grumbled something under his breath. With that Rex Lapis followed Alisia to the kitchen, Ajax hot on their heels.

After showing where the tea set is and the items the god stated he required, Alisia and Ajax left the kitchen. Ajax yelled quietly when they were in a different room. "Where and when in the world did you meet this lunatic? How does he even know where we live?" Maybe the man didn't know how to be completely human yet.

So Alisia just shrugged. "He's just like that. Also, I met him last time I was in Liyue. Bought him a wine bottle," Ajax's face looked humorless, quite the opposite actually. "You want to tell me he knows what's wrong with you better than the guy that owns Bu Bu pharmacy?" Alisia was pretty sure the archon that was currently in the kitchen could still hear their conversation.

"He's a knowledgeable guy," she answered plainly. Ajax wore a deeply unsatisfied expression. "When he's done making his 'tea' he's leaving!" The ginger nagged. Why in the world did he dislike Zhongli so much??


Imagen getting two chapters on the same day. Aren't you guys lucky?

Hope my rats enjoyed, been building up for this for a while.  


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