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I just got off phone with dad , today is February 13, tomorrow will be our wedding day. Dad said his flight will be delayed but he will be able to make it tomorrow as it would only be just 3 hours discrepancy . I told him to hurry as he will drive and escort me down the aisle. Mom is no longer with dad , they already got separated when I was in 4th grade. Dad got his own family in UK , I have a half brother whose name is Richie. Only dad will come but it's enough.

I'm so excited for my wedding tomorrow. I have this beautiful white dress, simple yet looks wonderful . Freen keeps asking me to send photos of it but I declined as I wanted it to be a surprise when she sees me walking on the aisle.

I can't believe that I'll be marrying her . I hope tomorrow will come , it would be the best day of our lives.


I'm with Nam in the coffee shop , we're chilling and remembering the days when we were young and she's so funny as how she demonstrated how me and Becky first met.

"Remember when she got transferred to our school and she's wearing a unicorn dress hahah she's like a kid and you stopped her in the gate." Nam said

"Yeah haha but I find her cute however as campus president I need to regulate rules"

"Oh yeah I remember her face she's about to cry especially when you said "I think you are lost , this is not the school for elementary" haha she didn't get it at first but then you pointed her uniform"


It's my first day at school I'll be transferring to . I wear my favorite and lucky dress. It's a pink colored unicorn style print. I'm near the school gate and I noticed students are all wearing uniforms. I haven't got mine as we didn't have enough time to pick it up from the tailor shop because we just moved yesterday to our new house.

I noticed some students are lining up in front of two girls who are holding a folder of papers and a pen.

I am about to enter but a girl stopped me.



"No , me. Who else could it be?"

"Ahh sorry but why?"

"I think you are lost , this is not school for elementary"

"Yeah I know , I'm already high school"

"I think she didn't get it Freen" said another girl with ID says Nam

"This" she pointed the unicorn print on my dress then my legs. "And that"


"You're so slow kid , look around."


"Aiish see if you can spot someone wearing civilian"

"Oh hmm no"

"It's in the student manual , rule number 5 is to wear proper uniform"

"I'm sorry I'm just new"

"Even though , what's your name?"

"Ahh Rebecca "

"Rebecca what?"

"Rebecca Patricia Armstrong"

"Oiii she's a foreigner I knew it" Nam said

"I'm actually just half "

I saw Freen writing my name , I'm afraid I'll be in the guidance office on my first day.

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