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I'm in the airport with Becky as we're coming home to Thailand to spend our vacation there.

Becky said that she will surprise Freen to her house but little did she know that her lover spoke to her dad to know the time of her flight so we were caught off guard when we saw her standing with flowers in her hand. She looks annoyed at me specifically. Becky despite being nervous as she gave me an awkward smile was able to wave to her sweetheart then ran like a child to hug her.

I already accepted it a long time ago.
I just heard Irin talking to Becky one time so they had no choice but to tell me the whole story. It was painful at first but as long as she's happy I'm fine with it. Besides seeing her smile is the best thing in the world.
She makes my heart flutter whenever her eyes spark with genuine happiness. And if Freen is the reason for it , then who am I to judge or even compete. She already won her.

I walked near them and greeted Freen. I told them that I'm waiting for my mom and my girlfriend so they can go first . Freen and Becky gave me a questioning look.

"Oh I told you I've got a girlfriend right?you're so forgetful Becky"

I said and winked at her secretly

"Ahhh yeah sorry I forgot , you told me once"
Becky lied

"Really? And why are you two together?" Freen asked

"It's a coincidence we study at the same university so we have the same vacation time "
Drake said

"Why didn't you mention it ?" Freen asked to Becky

" I didn't? Hmm must be busy sorry I forgot "
Becky said with worry on her face

"Aye Freen she didn't  even interact with me for the whole year , we just bumped twice and luckily got into the same flight "

I tried to defend Becky when the truth is that we're always together for like thrice a week. Becky explained to me that Freen can't find out about us being in the same school as she doesn't want her to be over thinking.
She offered me friendship and that's it , nothing more . We basically spend time at the library which I don't like doing. I'm just staring at her , pretending I'm reading while she's really focusing on her studies.
I've asked her to eat many times cause she forget eating because of her busy schedules and have to review everything . But whenever we eat out wether it's mine or her treat as she insist to pay sometimes she's still texting Freen. I don't complain . I have no rights.
I'm jealous but that's it. There's nothing I can do but to be there for her.

There's one time when she and Freen had a fight , she was crying and I had to comfort her. Freen is a jealous type as Asa posted a video on Instagram of him asking Becky in the football field to be his Valentine's date with this dramatic cheerleading squad and cards . Becky said yes in the video cause she hates to embarrass anyone but she didn't really come to the date and lied to Asa that there's an emergency and she can't come. They fought about it . Becky wasn't in her right state and exam week is coming back then . I told her to let Freen cool up first as she won't really accept any explanation because of the video.
I told her that they'll be okay and Freen can't resist her .

Going back to the present I told them that mom and my girlfriend went to the wrong gate entrance which is far from where we are. I told them I'll go to them and bid goodbye .

I know they'll be having fight but I hope Becky will be alright. Besides I hope she consider of the limited time they have so instead fighting they'd just talk about it . I don't intend to be the cause of their break up or what . Did I just lie to myself?Or maybe I'm still waiting for my chance. I sighed and just waited until they left . I was just hidding in a corner staring at her leaving with her only love.

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