Chapter 3: Sweet but a Psycho?

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The next day, (Name) awoke from his sleep, Evelynn had to leave around twelve the night before, so he was once again alone. "Todays the first day so let's make the most of it."

Standing up, he walked to the bathroom attached to his room. He washed his face, and decided that his hair was way better tied up today. Keeping it up in a nice style he decided on. He got dressed for the first day and everyone knows that if you're the new kid, everybody's eyes are on you the second you enter the school so he had to prepare himself for that. Couldn't go to school bummy anyways.

Settling on his outfit fairly quickly, (Name) found himself dressed in a black and white varsity jacket with (Number) on the back of it. He wore a pair of black cargo joggers, and a pair of white huarache's. Grabbing his bag, he shoved all of his important items in there. His sketchbook, a dozen mechanical pencils, and two erasers. He grabbed the Switch and its neccessary cables, along with his joycons and the book of games. A couple of notebooks and a binder ought to make him look a little prepared for today.

Grabbing his earbuds and his phone from the nightstand where they had been charging, he headed downstairs. Noticing that the house was a little too quiet, he set his bag down by the front door and ran through the home. Checking the girls room, they weren't there. Nobody was in the kitchen and now he was a little worried.

Eventually, he came across a sticky note on the fridge.

Dear (Name),

A friend came a picked us up a little earlier, so don't worry that we're not at home right now. We'll see you after school, hopefully.

With care,

Now that his body had relaxed, (Name) checked his phone to see a text from Evelynn.

I'm outside, let's get going already

"I don't remember requesting a ride." (Name) mentioned to the platinum haired woman as he walked over to her car, leaning down to look into her window.

"But yet, here you stand? You getting in or are you gonna drive that beauty in your garage?" Evelynn questioned him. She lowered her glasses with her finger so that her amber eyes looked over the rim to see him. A sigh escaped (Name) and he nodded.

Evelynn laughed softly and unlocked the car but before he could open it, she locked it. He blinked and released the lock, so she unlocked it. Reaching for it faster this time, she reacted faster as well, locking it back.

"If you don't want me to get in the car, just say that and stop wasting my time." (Name) spoke up, glaring at Evelynn who only smiled innocently as she unlocked the car once more. (Name) didn't buy it, so he jerked his hand forward. Evelynn continued to play coy as if she didn't know what she was doing. He placed his hand on the handle, pulling the door open and then got inside.

"Jeez, what took you so long? Never been in a car before?" The teasing didn't seem to affect (Name) but Evelynn egged it on a bit, trying to pry a reaction out of him.

"You know (Name)... last night was magical. Really, it was... especially when you unsheathed your long, heavy sword and laid waste to my peach-" She was promptly cut off by (Name) exiting her car and opening his garage, walking to the Camaro. He climbed in and the engine roared to life, pulling out of his garage. The door came back down and (Name) drove off to school.

He was starting to get really annoyed by Evelynn's presence. All she clearly wanted from him was sex but (Name) wasn't exactly that type of guy. Consider him a hopeless romantic with an emphasis on hopeless.

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