Genealogy of Lord Patrick William Howard

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Lord Patrick William Howard  1st Duke of Norfolk Territory 2165-2190

Lord Frederick William Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk 2190-2210

Lord Frederick William II (Eldest son was disinherited )

Lord Frederick William Howard III, Duke of Windsor Territory 2275-2332.

Lord William Frederick, 2332-2370

Lady Mary Henrietta Howard 2nd Duchess of Gloucester Territory 2380-2400

Lord William Frederick Howard II

Lady Joan Isabella Howard

Lord Frederick William Howard IV

Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard, 3rd Duchess of Norfolk Territory 2338-2400

Lord Frederick William Howard V

Lady Susan Virginia Howard

Lord Charles Andrew Howard SR, 3rd Duke of Norfolk Territory 2210-2240

Lord Charles Andrew Howard JR 2nd Duke of Norfolk Territory 2240-2297 (Eldest son and heir)

Lord Charles Andrew Howard III Duke of Sussex 2276-2310

Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann Howard, Duchess of Sussex Territory 2310-2380

Lady Charlene Andrea Howard 2380-2440 3rd Duchess of Sussex Territory 2380-2440

Lord Patrick William Howard II, Duke of Cambridge Territory 2276-2320

Lady Autumn Bridget Howard, 1st Duchess of Cambridge Territory 2320-2365

Lady Paulina Charlene Howard , 2nd Duchess of Cambridge Territory 2365-2420

Lord Andrew Charles Howard fifth Duke of Norfolk Territory 2275-2299 and Duke of Westminster Territory 2299-2330

Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard, 1st Duchess of Norfolk Territory 2299-2330

Lady Karissa Ann Howard, 2nd Duchess of Norfolk Territory 2330-2380

Lady Victoria Elizabeth Howard, 3rd Duchess of Norfolk Territory 2338-2400

Lord Andrew Charles Howard IV Sixth Duke of Norfolk Territory 2400-2420

Lord Jerome Alexander Howard, 1st Earl of Moray Territory on Star Base 10 2380-2420

Lady Athena Isabella Howard, 1st Countess of Moray on Star Base 10 2420-2470

Lord Andrew Charles Howard V, 

Lady Florence Clara Howard, fifth Duchess of Norfolk Territory and 1st Duchess of Lancaster Territory  2420-2470.

Lady Samhain Wilhelmina Charlene Howard, 1st Duchess of Clarence Territory 2276-2365

Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard, 2nd Duchess of Clarence Territory 2365-2390

Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Howard, 3rd Duchess of Clarence Territory 2390-2440

Lord David Andrew Beck, 7th Earl of Essex Territory 2380-2400

Lady Eliza Katherine Beck 1st Viscountess of Elmhurst Estate. 2325-2400

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, 4th Duke of Lancaster Territory through his great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Edmund Beaufort 2280-2360

Lord Alexander Andrew Howard, 1st Howard Duke of Lennox Territory 2365-2400 through his mother, Lady Alexandrina Charlene Howard nee Stuart, 2325-2365.

Lord Patrick William Howard III, 2nd Duke of Lennox Territory, 2400-2420.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard II,

Lord Andrew Charles Howard III, 5th Duke of Lancaster Territory 2360-2400

Lord Andrew Charles Howard IV, 6th Duke of Norfolk and Duke of Lancaster 2400-2420

Lord Andrew Charles Howard V

Lady Florence Clara Howard, fifth Duchess of Norfolk Territory and 1sr Duchess of Lancaster Territory 2420-2380.

Lord Edward Albert Howard, 1st Duke of Kent Territory 2285-2375

Lady Alberta Edwina Howard, 1st Duchess of Kent Territory 2375-2400

Lady Edwina Alberta Howard, 2nd Duchess of Kent Territory 2400-2430

Lord Edward Albert Howard II, 3rd Duke of Kent Territory 2430-2480.

Lady Sophia Dorothea Howard, 1st Duchess of Gloucester Territory 2290-2370

Lady Mary Henrietta Howard, 2nd Duchess of Gloucester Territory 2370-2400

Lady Margaret Penelope Howard, 3rd Duchess of Gloucester Territory 2400-2450.


Other Children of Lord Frederick William Howard 2nd Duke of Norfolk Territory 2190-2210

Lady Sophia Charlotte Howard, 4th Duchess of Bedford Territory by marriage

Lord George Frederick Carey, 4th Duke of Bedford Territory 2230-2270

Lord Robert Frederick Carey

Lord Richard William Carey 5th Duke of Bedford Territory 2270-2331

Lady Caroline Matilda Carey, 1st Duchess of Bedford Territory 2331-2361.

Lady Isabella Karissa Carey, 2nd Duchess of Bedford Territory 2361-2400

Lady Jeanette Virginia Carey

Lady Alexandra Elizabeth Carey 2400-2440.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey 1st Duke of Langley Territory 2289-2370

Lady Beatrice Laura Carey,

Lord Richard William Carey II, 2nd Duke of Langley Territory 2370-2420

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey II, 3rd Duke of Langley Territory 2420-2450

Lord Andrew Charles Howard, Duke of Northumberland Territory through marriage 2216-2270

Lord Phillip Howard

Lord Edward Howard

Lord Thomas William Howard, 2nd Duke of Northumberland Territory 2270-2229

Lord Andrew Charles Howard, 3rd Duke of Northumberland Territory 2229-2360

Lord Phillip Howard 4th Duke of Northumberland Territory 2360-2400

Lord Thomas William Howard II, 5th Duke of Northumberland Territory 2400-2440

The Howard's of Star Base 10 and12Where stories live. Discover now