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Yoon Gi and Jimin had eventually laid down on the blanket to stargaze as they talked late into the night. Yoon Gi had played with her fingers before finally wrapping his hand around hers, enjoying the feel of her small hand in his and the physical touch. Eventually they had fallen into a comfortable silence. It was awhile before Yoon Gi realized Jimin had fallen asleep. He watched her sleeping peacefully as he debated if he should wake her. He finally did, they packed up their stuff, and he carried her back to her apartment on his back.

He bid her goodnight at her gate before she raised up on her toes and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and hurried inside. He smiled the whole walk back to his apartment. He didn't stop smiling as he washed up without taking notice of his tattoo. Yoon Gi couldn't stop smiling all through the rest of the night as he whiled away the hours until he could see her again. It felt good to be liked; to be wanted.

He spent some time with his potted plants, rotating them this way and that, checking for any damaged leaves and making sure the soil was wet enough. Yoon Gi hadn't noticed before, but the pot holding the Korean Mint still had its price sticker on it. He used his nail to scrape it off, but a sticky residue remained. He tried to rub it with his finger tip, but it just smudged more on the smooth ceramic of the pot. No matter how many times he passed the pad of his thumb across it, the dirty spot persisted. He gave up on it.

After the sun had finally risen, Yoon Gi prepared for the day by having a small breakfast. He had an idea: today he would take Jimin to see Ji Min's garden and the mysterious flowering plant and where, he hoped, he would also find the absent spirit.

He scribbled a quick note before leaving the apartment.

Ji Min,
Are you okay?
Please let me know.

Heading down the stairs, Yoon Gi was eager to get his morning coffee. Even though his eyes were heavy, his steps were lighter today as his mind kept thinking of possibilities. He just wished Ji Min would show some sign of—not life, but something! His mood was helped by the fact that four of the six paws on his "kindness meter" were filled in.

His feet carried him down the familiar walkways to his now customary coffee shop. Getting coffee multiple times a day to stay awake quickly made him a regular. He reached the door just before an elderly couple, so he held the door open for them to shuffle through.

"Thank you, young man," the old lady said. "Please go ahead of us."

"Don't be silly," Yoon Gi replied. "You clearly beat me here."

They exchanged smiles as they joined the queue.

When Yoon Gi reached the counter, the handsome barista from the day before scowled at him. Feeling himself blush in embarrassment, Yoon Gi mumbled his usual order. Seokjin silently turned to make his beverage. As he was handing the coffee to Yoon Gi, their hands brushed, making them lock eyes, both still grasping the cup.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." Yoon Gi blurted. "I had a... pretty bad day, I haven't been sleeping, and I took it out on you. You didn't deserve it and... I'm sorry for my behavior."

Seokjin nodded. "You don't want this," he said as he took the cup back.

"What? But—" Yoon Gi began to protest, his need for caffeine to stay awake was getting more and more desperate.

"I made it wrong," Seokjin confessed as he began to remake Yoon Gi's drink. "I appreciate your apology."

Yoon Gi chuckled. He didn't want to think about what was wrong with the previous drink, but he gratefully accepted its replacement before wishing Seokjin a good day and heading on his way.

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