Bruises ~ Ethan Hunt

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(This takes place around the first Mission: Impossible (1996) and was requested by


I hope you like it, and I'm sorry it took so long!

I couldn't find a GIF of the kissing scene ('cause I think I remember one being there), but that picture fits, too^^

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I couldn't find a GIF of the kissing scene ('cause I think I remember one being there), but that picture fits, too^^


Ethan travelled a lot for his job.

Singapore, the UK, the UAE, Russia, Mexico, Syria, South Africa...You name it.

And as much as you loved travelling, too, he could never take you with, even though he wanted it just as much as you. But he couldn't risk exposing his real job, in fear of you worrying about him and what he does.

The first time you two met, he told you he was a businessman and ongoing lawyer for the IMF, the ,,Impossible Mission Fraction'', which handled more extreme cases and lawsuits, like big crimes, murders and messy divorces.

It intrigued you, and for the next years to come, you didn't suspect a thing, and it would stay like that.

Fast forward to now, you were in the kitchen, cleaning the leftover dishes from the day, and your dinner. Once again you had dinner alone. Ethan was supposed to be back home since hours, but his flight was delayed, due to an apparent ,,technical problem'', as Ethan told you on the phone before. ,,At least he called'', you said to yourself, before placing the last plate in the dishwasher, and turning it on.

Making your way over to the couch with a cup of tea in hand, you hoped it wouldn't take much longer for Ethan to walk through the door, and thank god, you were right.


The apparent ,,technical problem'', wasn't a technical problem at all, but rather...A little debate. Ethan was just about to enter the jet, when some mean guys, who still weren't done with him, showed up. Luckily, nobody was shot, but still, everybody was left pretty bruised up, and halfways knocked out. Luckily, there was enough time left, so Ethan and his team didn't have to stress much more about being late already.

The whole flight through, Ethan could only thing of you, his pride and joy. Your sweet smile with the little dimples, your lips that taste like cherry to him, your eyes, which remind him of the way of nature, your body, that fits perfectly to his, as if it was made just for the two of you. But most importantly: Your personality. That glowing spark tat's always there when you see him, or do something you're passionate about. It's just always something he looks forward to.


You were half asleep when you jolted forward, aka awake, at the sound of keys jangling in the door, a second later being opened with a huff, which could only be Ethan.

Walking to the door, you hid behind the nearest corner, wanting to scare him back.


,,AH! Oh my god, Y/N!''

,,Well, hello there, love, did I sca- OH MY GOD, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!''

Rushing to get the first aid kit, Ethan tried to assure you, that he was alright, and it were just some bruises, that needed to be cooled, but of course, you wouldn't listen to him, as you were worrying too much about him being further hurt.

,,Ethan (does he have a middle name?) Hunt! Since when does being a business man involve being beat up every time you return home, huh? I mean, I know you're dealing with extreme cases, but do they really have to beat you up all the time? It's not nice, and ridiculous, too...Come on, and sit down.''

Ethan complied sitting down at the dinner table next to you, as you applied some alcohol on a cotton ball, wiping away some crusted up blood, and cleaning around the bruises.

,,Really, Ethan, what is going on at work? This is just outrageous, what these people are doing! You're risking too much of your life, hun...As much as I know, that you love doing your job, you have to step back a bit, you know? 'Cause I really don't want to see my husband always in such a miserable condition...''

,,Your husband?''

,,Out of all things I've said, you've heard only that out? 'Cause I was just saying, you know?''

,,I know, but it does have a nice ring to it...''

,,For fuck's sake, Ethan! I'm here worrying about you, whilst you're thinking of a new title! Could you do this another time? Thank you!''

,,I'm just messin' with ya, honey, and I do appreciate your worrying, but you don't have to worry about me, darling, I'm fine.''

Taking your face in his hands softly, Ethan placed little kisses on the corners of your mouth, going up and down your face, but avoiding your lips entirely, because he knew you were yearning for his kiss.

After what felt like an eternity, you couldn't take it anymore: You just wanted him to kiss you. Breathlessly, you moaned his name out, accidentally, before being rewarded with a soft kiss.

,,Y/N~ Oh, how much I've missed you, you can't imagine-''

,,I can imagine it indeed.''

Standing up and taking Ethan by his hand, you led him to the couch, laying on your back, whilst Ethan made it comfortable for himself, by placing his head on your stomach, and wrapping his arms around your torso. Ethan sighed before speaking.

,,You know, Y/N, honey, if you would've let me talk before, it wouldn't have taken so long to tell you about my surprise.''

,,Your surprise?''

,,Yeah! What would you say about visiting (your favourite place) again? We haven't been there in so long, and I know how much you love it.''

,,That'd be lovely. When did you plan on going?''

,,I would've said right away, but with those bruises...It can wait until tomorrow.''

,,Yeah, I think that's better.''

Laughing at the obvious, Ethan scooted up closer, hovering above you, and making eye contact, before kissing you soft but hard, but also light and passionate.

As you wrapped your arms around his neck, he pulled away, leaning his forehead against yours.

,,You know, ,,husband'' as a title does sound good.''

,,And ,,wife'' sounds even much better.''

𝑻𝒐𝒎 𝑪𝒓𝒖𝒊𝒔𝒆 𝑰𝒎𝒂𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now