Ms.Cookie (Taraji P.Henson x You)

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This was a request from 5Land_all_day but I took some creative liberties. Hope I did the idea justice! I also didn't proofread so let's just hope it's coherent LMAO

 Hope I did the idea justice! I also didn't proofread so let's just hope it's coherent LMAO

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Your POV

"Is there a bathroom around here?" Agent Harlow Carter leaned across the table as Luscious stood hunched over, signing the papers in front of  him.

Cookie is annoyed by this woman's presence. She wanted nothing more than for this woman to go away.  She's out of jail on parole and this woman won't get off her ass about part of her plea deal. Turning  on drug dealers, that would make her have to expose the blood Luscious had on his own hands. She'd be damned. She didn't need to answer to this incessant bitch, she's not her parole officer.

She leaned back in her chair, dreaming of a way to get rid of this woman once and for all. But all those ways would send her back to jail. She wasn't going back there.

"Yeah, straight down the hall and to the...I forgot, I'm sorry," Taraji rubbed at her temples as she broke character. This was so unlike her, normally she embodied Cookie so wholeheartedly that everyone found themselves forgetting that this isn't who she truly is.

"Oh my- cut! Taraji, try again!"  The director ordered.

There was a whole chorus of groans as the camera assistant stepped in front of the camera with the clapperboard. He slammed the top piece down, officially signaling the end of the scene. By now, everyone on set was starting to get annoyed. It's almost lunch time and the only thing holding everyone back from the catered buffet is this one line. Taraji's one line.

I look away from my peers on the production side of the camera and back under the bright lights of the office space that the scene was taking place in. Terrence looked like he was ready to kill her but she was pretending not to see by looking down at the laminated wooden desk. If she doesn't find a way to ace this line soon, she's going to have a lot of people ready to jump her. I don't want them to take their anger out on Taraji, but I love when she takes it out on me.

I somewhat nervously approached the assistant director standing next to the director, Lee, who was sitting in his chair with his jaw clenched. I'm still an intern shadowing crew members of the production so I'll be damned if I approach the director with this kind of idea. I didn't even want to get his attention period.

"Hey," I whispered.

I successfully got the assistant director's attention without alerting Lee of my presence. He tapped Lee on the shoulder and whispered something. Lee nodded without looking over and the assistant director walked over to me, careful not to trip over any cords. The last thing we needed right now was some equipment to stop working.

"What's up?" He asked. He was only a little bit older than me and I've been interning for him since Empire's production began so he saw me as more of a friend and equal than a lot of the team did. A lot of them only viewed me as a rookie, but at least I wasn't the coffee girl. Everyone looked straight through her unless it was time to place orders.

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