1+1=2 (Part 2)

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Y'all know the drill, NSFW!

Beyoncé's POV

Another week of classes had officially come to an end. I didn't have classes today, meaning it was the first day of my three-day weekend. While I would've loved to spend this Friday evening in bed catching up on my show of choice, instead I was spending it in my living room sitting in front of my best friend, Kelly, who has been bombarding me with questions about my week.

Kelly added, "I meant to ask how brunch went today."

I shrugged and answered, "the same way it always goes, 'so glad you're doing well,' 'when's the baby?', 'I'm sure work has been crazy,' shit like that."

"I don't know how you do it, Bey."

"Mimosas and meditation," I said with a chortle as I take a shot of Fireball to the head.

Our conversation thankfully transitioned away from my life and onto general gossip about everyone from coworkers to people we went to high school with. As Kelly went on a tangent about some girl I don't even remember from school that's now on her fourth baby daddy, I felt my phone vibrate under my thigh. I frowned and reached for it as she continued talking. An email notification flashed on my screen that I figured was a random student question, but I decided to check just to be sure. I opened it up to see 'Meeting with Y/N in fifteen minutes' as the title of a reminder. Fuck. How did I forget?

"And I'm just like I wouldn't even let these men touch me with a ten-foot pole but you let them into your-"

"Kelly, we're gonna have to pick this back up another time," I cut in.

Her words caught in her throat and she tilted her head to the side. "Everything alright?" She wondered.

I nodded with a smile. "Yeah, everything is fine. I just forgot I have something to do," I explained.

It wasn't a lie, I really did forget about this meeting. I just can't tell Kelly I have a meeting with a student because she knows my schedule like the back of my hand and will immediately find something amiss.

"Why are you being so weird all of a sudden?" Kelly inquired as she looked down at my hands, which I was unconsciously twiddling, a nervous tick she's picked up on since we were children.

I immediately tucked my hands under my thighs so it would stop.

"I'm not being weird," I argued. Bitch, you're being weird as fuck.

"Yeah, you are. You've never kicked me out before and I know you don't have anybody to be seeing this late in the evening, you always tell me about your booty calls," Kelly said with her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

I would hate to confirm that she's right, so I don't. But the fact that I'm hiding this from my best friend who doesn't realize how hot on my trail she truly is proves itself to be too much. As her eyes search mine, I bite the inside of my cheek. The heat of her gaze forces me to look away. Kelly lets out a loud gasp in realization.

She rises from the couch with an excited look. "Who is it?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lie as I look to the carpeted floor with blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Girl, don't try to lie to me. I've been knowing you since you were ten!"

I finally conceded, it was time to accept that I've lost. "Fine, but I plead the fifth on who it is."

Kelly sat on the arm of the sofa, which was directly next to me, and gave me a sly smirk. "That's okay, but at least tell me...is he fine? Older?"

"She is very fine, and happens to be younger than me."

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