Crossing Out Of The Ink: Crossing Out The Notes Of My Violin

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Crossing out the notes of my violin where I left you holding my hand and the notes that made me want to be your story were the crossing out of the ink where the love was made for me and how if the camera had caught the last of the notes that I had left it would be the crossing out of the ink inside the notebook because even though you only held in me in the violin of the notes that made the petals into roses and where the stamp on my heart may have been crossed out I was always still looking for the sheet of music that excluded the crossing from the notes of my violin as a song to you where if you had listened, so closely you could just hear the sounds of the music on the heartstrings still playing as I chose to leave behind the last pieces of the notes on my violin that may have come as a shock being the last words that were left even though I bit my tongue on the last sentence without ever leaving you my contact information but instead waiting for the ending of when I could begin crossing out the notes of my violin that I left you after the petals of the roses.

Crossing Out The Ink: I Never Meant To Leave The Roses Where stories live. Discover now