happy birthday to.....me?- part 1

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Well it been a while since I wrote and this Idea just came up to me. It would probably be much better if I wrote this around Leo's actual birthday but I don't think I can wait that long, so please enjoy. :)

I also want to apologize for the accidental post.

Leo's POV:

I was so excited! Excited for what you might ask? well I was excited for my birthday ofc! Well technically mine and Donnie's, well actually not really since we don't "share the same date of birth" as he likes to put it, but at the same time we are technically the same age- wait nevermind I'm getting off track, you get the point.

I couldn't wait any longer, just a few more weeks and I would finally be 17! I also made sure to remind my brothers every chance I get so they don't forget. Even though I'm sure they couldn't forget since it's also Donnie's birthday as well.

A week later

I was upset right now. Me, Donnie, and Raph had another argument again. Y'know I thought we would stop fighting after the invasion was over, but boy was I wrong. Can't they see that in trying to be a better leader? I'm really trying hard to change so I don't screw up again, I can't screw up again.

I hope we can resolve this before our birthday so it doesn't make anything awkward or uncomfortable for us. I should probably apologize for my mistake and for storming off in the middle of our argument. Oh I got it! I'll sneak out of the house to the Hidden City and Buy a sorry gift for both Raph and Donnie, and while I'm down there I can look for a birthday gift for Donnie! "I'm a genius" I say with a proud smirk on my face. So I started to plan what time I would be leaving, while also thinking what I would get them and how much money I had.

Raph's POV:

I was getting so annoyed with Leo's behavior lately. He was still goofing around even after the whole invasion, not only that but he's also talking about the next weeks and I don't understand why? I mean what's so special about the next few weeks? Maybe it's a holiday? No that can't be, well I don't know maybe I'll remember later, right know I have to focus on cleaning up Leo's mess again.

I just can't believe he still acts childish it's like he doesn't care about the consequences, he's about to be 17 and he acts like he's 10- wait, he's turning 17, it's going to be his birthday that's right! how could I forget him and Donnie are both turning 17. Hmm Ralph just had an idea, but this has to include Donnie as well. I hope Donnie's not as mad as before, I should probably check on him when I get there.

At Donnie's room in the middle of the night

Donnie's pov:

It was the middle of the night, i was in my room sitting in my chair trying to distract myself from the argument I was just in. "Ugh sigh, why can't Leo understand that he needs to have a much better plan than just running in? You'd think he would have learned his lesson after the invasion, but nope! He has not." I was talking to myself as I hear someone come into my room "to whom may I owe the pleasure to come into my room while I'm working?" The figure steps forward and by the loud footsteps and large shadow I believe that would be my dear brother Raphael "Oh, sorry Donnie it's me Raph. Sorry I came in here without knocking but I just wanted to check up on you after the small argument with Leo, and I also have an idea that I believe you would like to hear."

After hearing the end part of his speech one of my not drawn eyebrow lifted up as I spun around on my chair. "Well my dear brother I'm doing just fine after the argument. How about you? why are you up so late? And what is that about you having an idea, you do know you don't have them that often." After Saying that Raph gasped and had a offended look in his face, I knew from the look in his face that he knew I was just joking, he then started talking again.

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