we need you, and we're sorry we didn't realize it sooner.... part 2

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Tw- cursing, self deprecation, slight mention of splinter being a bad dad,  Leosagi, and metions of sunita x April

Donnie's POV:

It has been about 4 hours, 34 minutes, and 46 seconds since the fight (yes, I have been counting. I tried to distract myself by fixing or upgrading my tech, but in the end I couldn't). After the fight I stormed off to my room. I felt like a kid throwing a tantrum when they didn't get the toy they really wanted in a store.

I didn't know that this was how it was going to turn out, I just wanted to tell Leo that he should take things more seriously, I just didn't want any of them to get hurt if something happened because we didn't train enough. I knew I took it to far, I shouldn't have said half of the stuff I said to Leo, but I just...snapped? I couldn't control the words that came out of my mouth, and I wish I did.

I wanted to go over to Leo's room to apologize but I felt like it wouldn't be a good time right now, and I don't think he would want to see me after I literally attacked him! I also needed to apologize to both Mikey and Raph, I decided I would do it tomorrow since it was really late now. I felt extremely exhausted, I guess all that fighting and yelling took a toll on me.

But before I could sleep someone entered my room. I turn around, surprised by who came in my room, "Hey, Donnie...Look, I'm sorry I-, how are you feeling right now?" I was shocked that Raph was here but I was more shocked at the fact that he was apologizing to me, I should be apologizing.

I didn't know if to apologize now or tomorrow, I just decided I would do it tomorrow so I could also apologize to Mikey and Leo. "I'm, very tired, and upset, not at Leo or at you, but at myself! I don't know what got into me. I was just scared that one of you would get hurt if we didn't train enough. I know I shouldn't have said any of that to Leo, I was just afraid." I turn away from Raph so he wouldn't see that I was holding back tears.

"Hey, it's okay Donnie, we all make mistakes. I should've tried harder to be a better leader." I looked up at Raph and I started to feel even more guilty than I did before. "What? Raph, you are an amazing leader, this wasn't about if you did good leading the team or not. It was my fault for being upset, why don't we just go to sleep, well solve this tomorrow." Ralph nodded and started to head to the door to leave. "Goodnight Donnie, don't stay up to late." I smiled, "You got it big guy, goodnight." And with that he left my room.


Mikey's POV:

I was concerned about Leo. After he told me goodnight and left to his bedroom I just wanted to hug him and tell him that everything was going to be alright. But I thought that it might be better if I left him alone for a while.

It's been hours since the fight between Leo and Donnie, I didn't know what was happening other than Donnie calling Leo names and hurting him. I don't know what got Donnie so riled up, I wanted to ask him but after the fight he locked himself in his room. Raph tried to reassure me that everything was alright and not to be worried and that he would talk to Donnie, but I can't help but be worried.

I had a bad feeling, like something bad might happen or has happened. I ignored it and just decided to sleep it off, I would just talk to both Leo and Donnie when I woke up tomorrow.


When I got up, I started to get ready for the day. I then headed straight into the kitchen, maybe it would help the atmosphere if I cooked up some good old fashioned pancakes. So I grabbed everything necessary for to make them and started making them.

After a while I heard someone coming , I turned around hoping that it was Leo so I could talk to him for a bit. It wasn't him, but it was Raph so decided to greet him. "Good morning Raph! How did you sleep? And why did you sleep in the living room?" He looked tired, I knew that the fight yesterday and the fight between Donnie and Leo took a lot out of him. "I'm alright Mikey, just *yawn* tired. I slept in the living room just in case Leo came out. Anyways how about you, are you okay? And do you need any help around here?"

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