Leo, are you okay?

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This story was requested by RiseRiot , I'm sorry to have kept you waiting and I hope you enjoy.

Warning- their will be a bit of self deprecation(also it's my first time writing self depreciation so sorry if it's bad), light cursing, mention of a panic attack

Author's POV:

It was a nice day in new York, the 4 mutants along with April were running around on rooftops in the city training. It felt like nothing could go wrong for the mutant brothers (plus April), well that's what they thought until they decided to end their day with a movie and some pizza, I mean what could go wrong?

When they finally arrived at the lovely place they called their home, they started deciding what movie to watch. their options were between Lou jitsu or Jupiter jim, Donnie ended up requesting a movie that was totally not scary and sad at all about 4 brothers getting trapped in space. Leo and April agreed instantly since they have been waiting to watch that movie for a while now. It took Raph and Mikey much longer since they hated scary or sad movies (especially Mikey), and for splinter he didn't care since he was probably going to fall asleep after the first few minutes. They also decided on inviting Cassie and Casey Jr. but found out that they were both busy trying to bond.

After all of the convincing and persuading Raph and Mikey ended up agreeing. Before watching the movie they decided to grab more snacks and drinks since Donnie could tell that the pizza would have not been enough for all 6 of them. After gathering all the junk food they finally sat down on their respected areas and turned on the movie.


Donnie's POV:

We all sat down, I being on the floor next to Leo who was on my right. When I was getting comfortable Leo asked me in a hush voice why I chose the movie, I responded by explaining to him that i just thought it would be a fun movie for us to watch all together, which technically wasn't a lie, but it also wasn't the full truth. The real reason I chose this movie was because I wanted to know how Leo would react. The reason behind this was because I felt like he wasn't being completely honest with us, which kinda scared me since he's my favorite twin and my only twin (ofc I would never tell him that).

I already watched this movie and knew what it was all about, I also knew that this would either lead up to leo maybe panicking and end up with him opening up to us or end up with him making dumb jokes and trying to avoid the situation, I hoped it wouldn't be the latter. I know it sounds like a dick move to do this to your own brother but I had to know what he was keeping away from us.

As the movie started playing the name of the movie popped up in bright red with the words "The Void" written across the screen. It started off with the main characters getting introduced and leaving their family while also being explained why they were heading to space.

The four main characters were brothers, I realized something that I didn't realize the first time I watched this, each one of the brothers felt like they presented each one of my own brothers including myself. There was randy the oldest one who was big and strong who took care of his brothers and made sure they were safe. His reason for going to space was because he didn't want to leave his brothers alone in space where he couldn't protect them. Then there was Daniel, he was the smart one out of the four, he was the one who was more complex than his brothers and more calculated. He wanted to go to space because he wanted to explore and learn more about it, he also wanted to find a new planet or star and name it after himself.

Next was Landon, he was Daniel's twin. Landon was super out going, he was the one who made lame jokes and always tried to cheer up his brothers while also trying to prove to his brothers that he was just as great or maybe even better then them and that he could do amazing things if he wanted to. He wanted to go because he felt like if he didn't then his brothers wouldn't take him seriously ever again and since he was going to be bored without his twin and older brother. After Landon it's Martin. He was the youngest, he was the one who brightens the room by just walking in and smiling, he was very artistic and had a big heart. He loved his brothers as much as they loved him, even though he wishes that they would stop treating him like he was a little kid. His reason was the fact that he wanted to prove he wasn't a little kid anymore and that he can do the same things as his brothers, but it did take a lot of convincing for him to join them.

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