Just a harmless prank

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Hello everybody. So today's my birthday!
Sorry that I made you guys wait so long. I was busy with school stuff.
Luckily I was able to get this story done quickly and I'm already working on the second part as you guys read. Don't forget to leave any suggestions you have for me.
I do hope you guys enjoy!

Tw - slight swearing, siblings fighting, bad thoughts

Leo's POV:

I entered my room and let out a sigh, I walk over to my bed and sit down.
'I don't know how much longer I can go on with this. All the training. All of the screaming. All of the fighting. All of the responsibility! Not just that but also always forgiving them so quickly.... Even if they're my brothers I shouldn't let myself get treated this way.'
I fall down onto my bed and close my eyes.
I start imagining what it would be like to be free from all of this. All of the stress I've been going through at the moment. Especially from having to be the leader. It just doesn't suit me.
I don't think there would ever be a universe where I would actually be a leader and an actually good one.

'What was dad thinking? Was he high or something? Whatever it's not like I can do anything about it.
Lately it feels like it's impossible for me to lead the team, and with Raph being on my ass every chance he gets.
Even When I Don't Do Anything Wrong!
Sometimes I just wish that they could realize that I'm trying my hardest...
Instead they treat me like it would be better if I wasn't on the team at all. Like can't they understand that I'm not used to being serious and all that other boring leader shit!? It Just Isn't Me!
Is this how Raph felt? Did he have all this stress? And if he did, why didn't he ever tell us so we could have helped him out? AND if he knows how it feels, why does he treat me like shit when I make the smallest mistakes? Gosh I just wish there was a way to escape all of these damn responsibilities. But the last time I tried I was grounded for a month and they were all pissed at me. Can't they see I deserve a break?
We all do...
Ugh all this thinking is hurting my brain. If I keep thinking so hard my head will become as big as Donnie's forehead or explode. Eh, I like the second option better.'

To clear my mind I decide to turn to look at the clock to check the time. In bright red it read 3:45 A.M. I should probably attempt to go to sleep so I don't end up being late for our training session.... Again...
I do not feel like getting yet another long and boring lecture from both dad and Raph.
'Hmm, I wonder what señor Hueso is doing at this moment? I haven't seen him in a while, maybe I should check up on him? No, he'd probably be pissed about me not being asleep. Maybe I'll go tomorrow if I have time after training? Hopefully dad and Raph won't force me to watch yet another video about how to be the, quote on quote, 'perfect leader'. Gosh why can't they just let me a take a damn break once in a while.'

I close my eyes and began to count to one hundred in Spanish, hopefully it helps me sleep faster.
'This usually, works but for some fucking reason it's not helping me at all!'
I guess my thoughts are the main reason keeping me awake. 'Maybe I should find out a way to shut off my thoughts, maybe even for good.'
I began to get up in a sitting position and then I proceed to stand up,
'Maybe if I eat something it'll help me fall asleep?'
I start to make my way to the kitchen, I make sure to not make any noise.

As I make my way to the kitchen quietly, I end up bumping into something or more like someone. I look up to realize the person I bumped into was non other than my older brother Raphael. I catch myself before I fall onto the ground and I let a sigh of relief before realizing that I have been caught. "Haha- Hey Raph! Wow, what a coincidence that we bumped into each other!" I whispered as quietly as I could not wanting to wake up anyone else. Raph quickly hid something behind his back before looking at me with a pissed and surprised expression. I forget about him hiding something as soon as he begins to speak to me. "Why would it be a coincidence if I live here? And what are you doing up so late?" I began to walk backwards slowly not liking that Raph was interrogating me.
"If you don't mind, I'll be going back to my room! Bye!-" and just before I could Sprint off so I could go to my room, Raph put his big hand on my shoulder which stopped me from running away.

Leo angst One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now