sixteen - aftermath

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I shoot up in my bed in a cold sweat. I wasn't sure what time it was but judging from the amount of light in my room, I could tell it was around 10 to 11 am. I controlled my breathing, noticing the heat I felt in between my legs again.

My dreams were riddled with images from Sebastian and I's steamy exchange last night, and they fantasised on what could've been if Ominis hadn't walked in. It was an extremely sexual dream- I'd never had one like that before, picturing him filling me up- taking my purity. In my unconscious state I had convinced myself he was the only man I wanted to let take my purity. But I knew the sexual desire I felt should not be acted upon anymore.

Sebastian was bad news, we brought out the worst in each other. He hated me and I hated him. So why did he kiss me? Was I just another convenient hook up? Had he taken us into his room just to relieve his sexual desires? Or had the alcohol just got to his system and he acted out without caring who it was with. He was a player so I was told- but what benefit does he gain with sleeping with someone he hates? Me?

I knew of his little fan club. I notice the girls of this school whispering and giggling to themselves as he walked past them. Why not any of them? Who was I kidding, he's probably slept with them all already. I would've become just another trophy to his collection.

Feeling gross, I got out of bed groggily and took a shower. I was hoping the shower would relieve my body from the feeling of his lips on my skin. But alas, it didn't. The feeling of his hungry kisses on my body lingered, I scrubbed but to no avail... I couldn't take them off my mind. My body continued yearning for him, and I hated it.

I hated him! The cocky, bad boy, prideful Slytherin- with his gorgeous brown locks and plump lips- Merlin's Beard! Why could I not get him off my mind. I hate Sebastian Sallow, I hate Sebastian Sallow, I hate Sebastian Sallow. Perhaps I could continue repeating this sentence in my mind until I forgot about last night.

I stepped out of the shower and wiped the condensation with my hand lazily off the mirror. I looked at my face, try to see if the evidence of my lack of a good nights sleep didn't take its toll on my features. Then I realised... What on Earth?

I leaned closer towards the mirror and hesitantly moved my wet hair off my neck and behind my back. Holy shit.

A dark purple bruise flourished on the skin of my neck. It was huge. In my shock, I lifted my hand to press on the mark as if I was checking see if I was hallucinating. As my finger pressed onto the tender skin I flinched, vivid flashbacks of his soft lips pressing onto my skin before sucking harshly flooded my mind. I stared at the mark, completely flabbergasted. I was planning on wearing my hair up today but that sure as hell would not be an option now. Even heavy makeup wouldn't cover up the mark completely judging from how dark it was.

I attempted to cover it but my suspicions were right. Even with makeup on my neck the tinge of purple was still evident on my skin. And now I was stuck with this mark of Sebastian's territory for at least three days, most likely more.

I didn't know whether Sebastian's reaction to his mark would be a smug one, or utter appall, but either way I would not let him see it. I was planning on avoiding him in order to reroute my thoughts of him- however now it was completely crucial to not even be in looking distance of this man.

I decided it would probably be best to not go to the Great Hall for breakfast today. I needed to avoid as many eyes today especially while the hickey was still fresh, my hair and the makeup could only cover so much. Not to mention I'd probably see Artemis at the Great Hall, and knowing his eye's attention to detail- he'd notice it straight away. Besides, Garreth and I were going out around one, meaning he was probably planning for us to have lunch. My appetite was still struggling to come back at times, it was 11:30am already so I doubt I'd be hungry again so soon, and I really didn't want to seem like a complete asshole and not eat during the date that Garreth had planned... whatever it is.

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