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We both layed on the bed but I wasn't able to sleep as I've a habit of hugging someone while sleeping

I keep changing the sides when suddenly y/n asked

Yn: aren't you able to sleep?

Tae: nope it's just I've a habit of hugging someone while sleeping.....

Yn: then you should've said this to me earlier

She said scooted closer to me and hugged me

First I was hesitating if I should hug her back or not and at last I came on the conclusion to hug her back

While we both were cuddling, suddenly I remembered one thing and I thought to ask yn about it

Tae: y/n...

Yn: yeah babe

I blushed on her words still managed to say

Tae: have you ever been in relationship?

I said looking at her, her smile faded immediately

Y/n: uhh.....

Tae: it's ok if you don't wanna talk about it!!

I said seeing her getting sad, maybe she isn't comfortable sharing it with me

Yn: no no it's not like that!! You're my husband you've whole right to know about my past!!

I smiled and intertwined our hands assuring her

Yn: actually yes... I was in a relationship....


Yn: promise me you'll never leave me.....

??: I promise babe

Yn: ok then let's have ice cream

??: You stay here I'll bring for us

I nodded and he left to buy us ice cream

He's my boyfriend jack, we're relationship from past 2 years and our bond is still strong

Atleast that's what I think.....

I love him more than anyone, he's my whole world

Rn we're in a park and he went to buy icecream for both of us

It's been 15 mins he didn't came yet, so I thought to go and check

I stood up and went towards the icecream parlour which on the other side of the road

I was standing on the footpath and was looking around in search of jack but what I saw broke my heart into millions of pieces

Jack was on the other side of  road kissing a girl.......

Tears started brimming down my eyes and finally I broke into the biggest cry I ever had

Finally crying my heart out I composed myself and went towards them

Yn: you're enjoying it aren't you?

I said making both of them flinch

Jack looked at me with horror and the girl was looking more like glaring at me

Girl: yahh!! You stupid you ruined our picture perfect kiss!!

I looked at her being disgusted

Was she glaring at me because I ruined their so called picture perfect kiss!!! Wtf bro!!!

I ignored the girl and looked at jack with raised eyebrows which was clearly asking for explanation

Jack: b-babe I-I what are you doing here?

Shy husband and cold wife | Taehyung FF | SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now