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Tae pov

Today I feel like killing myself, since today was Sunday we both were supposed to watch a movie but someone called out a urgent meeting now

Yn told me it's not that important so I don't need to go, so rn I'm sitting on couch getting bored and yn is in office

I thought to bake some cupcakes, I went in kitchen and tried finding the ingredients

But soon I realised that we're out of the ingredients so I thought to buy the required things from store

I wear some decent clothes and left for the store

After buying all the ingredients I came out and saw a park nearby so I thought to walk there for a while

I entred the park and saw children playing there, I smiled at them

I love kids, while I was admiring them I saw their call which they were playing with was coming in my direction

I stoped the ball, took it and gave it to them back

Kid: thank you hyung

Tae: no problem dear, go enjoy

I said smiling after admiring them I thought to go back home

On my way to home I kept thinking about the kids, I too want kids

Should I talk about this to yn, I really want to have a kid, but how am I supposed to say I'm little shy....

Soon I reached home and baked the cupcakes still thinking about the same topic

It was now time for yn to come, after baking the cupcakes I made dinner

I heard the doorbell ring, I hurriedly went to the door and opened it

And saw yn standing there smiling cutely her smile made me engulf her in embrace but I was too shy

She hugged me tightly I hugged her back

Tae: go get freshen up I'll serve the dinner by the time

She nodded and left, while I was setting up the table I kept thinking what to say to yn

My chain of thoughts were broke when I felt yn hugging me from behind burying her face in my neck

Giving me goosebumps and make me go weak under her touch

Tae: c-come let's have d-dinner

She nodded and broke the hug and sat

While eating I thought to start the conversation

Tae: so... How was the meeting?

Yn: it was fine but tiring....

Tae: ohhh, umm I wanted to talk about something

She stopped and looked up at me

Yn: yeah say

She said holding my hand

Tae: umm I-I want to have k-kid

She choked on her food, I quickly gave her the water, she drank and took a deep breath

Yn: you want what?

Tae: kid, Ik it's bit awkward but yk I love kids infact I want to have 5, I really want to have one yniee

Yn: you w-want to have kids?

Tae: yeah, it's ok if you need time to think or you don't want to have them now

I said as Ik she's not ready to have  a  family with me now

She held my hands and made me look at her

Yn: tae... I really love you and I'm ready to have a family with you, I too love kids but I found it bit awkward to talk about this to you

She pecked my forehead and said

Yn: I don't have any problem we can give it a try

I smiled shyly and hugged her tightly

Tae: thank you babe....

Yn: there's nothing to thank me, and you should call me babe often, I like it

I blushed and hid my face in the crook of her neck

We both had dinner and went off to our shared bedroom

I was taking a bath and yn was scrolling down her phone

After the bath I came out only in towel wrapped around my torso

I went towards the dressing table and started drying my hair with the hair dryer

Yn pov

I was scrolling through my phone when I heard the bathroom door opening

I looked up to see my shy husband looking like a total meal

He was looking so handsome, I stood up and went towards him

I back hugged him and gave wet kisses on his neck and Ik where am I leading this to and Ik that I won't regret this

Tae pov

My heart skipped a beat and I felt my stomach taking back flips when I felt her wet kisses

Ik where she's leading this to and I won't stop it as I believe her and I'm ready

Today I don't have to be shy, yeah come on tae she's your wife you've whole right on her

I turned around and looked in her eyes asking for assurance, she gave me a assuring smile

I soon attached my lips with her the kiss was soft and slow in first but it didn't took enough time turn into rough one

That night was the best night of my life

A/n pov

Aish!! You unholy kids what are you here for go away let them have their time together

The night went pretty rough, the night when the two souls became one


                       Author's note

Don't y'all dare to say this part was not small and boring cause I know it is sorry for that but I didn't knew what to write further *my jinius brain*

And I'm running out of ideas, If I got any idea related to this story then I'll surely try to update y'all soon

So that's all for today's chapter, I uploaded a new FF on someone's request the story name is "revenge to love 🥀" do check it out, it's a Vminkook FF

I don't know if I'll be able to update you soon as I'm tangled up with alot of things so hope y'all don't eat me up later

And at last I end my speech aka lecture by saying....

Byee bunnies love y'all take care 💜💜

[ 1038 words ]

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