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Well where to start from, we completed 5 years of our togetherness, I can't be more happy having tae in my life and ofc my kiddos, our babies are doing well, just me and tae spoiling them,  tae isn't that shy around me anymore, but sometimes my little act of love makes him flutter, I kinda like it that I still have my impact on him ;)

Our life was going well until something happened which kind off broke us apart, but I'm glad we're back together, it was new year time, new year, new resolution, maybe new life, new changes, new way to express the love, support and care


The day started normal tae was working from home today, I was in my office tho I thought to take a leave but the meetings ruined the plan, I left in a hurry without having breaky, that kind off triggered tae, Ik he'll be here around lunch time with a lunch box along with my babies

Tae pov

I was on my way to yn's cabin, I came with her lunch as she didn't had her breakfast, I don't know why she's like this, work can wait right? She didn't need to compromise with her health, I just sighed and smile seeing our babies taking small steps towards the elevator

I reached yn's cabin and was about to talk when I heard her saying

Yn: Ik he's really annoying like bruh! Why do you care if I had my breakfast or not, now he'll be here anytime with his annoying face and lunch, Bro! Ik how to take care of myself, stop being so annoying and clingy!!!

Her voice sounded as if I'm the one who she hates the most, Ik sometimes I become Lil annoying but that doesn't mean she'll bad mouth about me behind my back

I never knew I was annoying and clingy to her, I thought she loved me, but Ig I was wrong she doesn't, she hates you the most tae, you should stop annoying her

I was thinking deeply and never realised I was already in tears, I snapped back hearing aera giggle along with her brother, I looked down at her wiping off my tears, smiling slightly I knocked on the door

Yn: come in......

I entered in looking down, I don't want her to see my sad face

Yn: ohhh babe you're here, and my babies are also here...... Come to mamma

She said extending her hand, I saw them running towards her, she embraced her in her tight hug, she stood up and came to me, pecking on my lips but she frowned and backed away when I didn't kissed her back

Tae: here lunch for you......

I said bit coldly and kept the lunch on her table

Tae: have it before it gets cold....... Let's go kiddos.......

Yn: but you just came, stay here, let's have our lunch together.......

She said smiling slightly, but Ik it's fake, she's just doing this as a formality

Tae: no need, I already had mine, I've dome work I'll leave now

He said and took the kids along with him, leaving her dumbfounded but little heartbroken

Yn: what happened to him suddenly?

She said tilting her head, but shrugged it off thinking he's just busy, the ended soon, she left for home early and bought some strawberries for tae and chocolates for kids

Knocking on the door, yn plastered a smile on her face seeing her husband standing, yn entered in, ready to get bombarded with hugs and kisses, but to her surprise tae didn't

Her eyes were big for nothing when she saw him going back to the couch, yn tilted her head thinking if she did something wrong?

Yn: tae-

Kids: mommy!!!!!!

The both screamed on the top of their lungs, taking small steps towards her, yn bent down extending her arms, she embraced them in her embrace

She gave them the chocolates, they happily ran and kept it in the refrigerator, yn made her way towards tae

Yn: babe...... Are you mad at me?

Tae: why would I?

He asked coldly, making yn pout

Yn: then why are you talking coldly with me?

She said whining while lingering her arm around tae's neck, side hugging him

Tae: I'm not......

He said and stood up, but was pulled back by yn, she pushed him on the couch hovering over him

Yn: what's wrong baby?

Tae: I-I......

He tried his best to not burst out in tears and maintain his cold aura, but he lost it when he remembered your words in the morning

Yn eyes softened seeing his teary eyes, she caressed his cheek

Yn: yeah say

She spoke softly.......

Tae: I heard you in the office back then......

He said looking at his side, blinking away his tears

Yn: what did you heard? And when?

Tae: when you were bad mouthing about me this morning......

He whispered and finally burst out in tears

Yn: baby..... I still can't remember bad mouthing about you......

Tae: you said I'm annoying and clingy, and me bringing lunch for you in the office annoys you the most.....

He said weeping, while yn hugged him tightly

Yn: babe...... That was not for you

Tae: what?! then for who?

Yn: Uhhhh! there's a new employee in our office he keeps on clinging to me, flirting with me, he always buys me  lunch, I was talking about him on the call with oppa-

Tae: who the fuck is he?!! tell me his name, how dare he flirt with what's mine!!!!

Yn's eyes widened seeing his this side

Yn: woah! calm down babe! I never knew my tae tae bear could be angry too!! I only know the shy one

Tae: when it's about you I can even kill anyone!!

Yn: babe you don't need to kill him...... well talk about it later, now tell me what made you think that I'm talking about you

Tae: I thought I really annoy you, and back then I didn't knew that there was someone else who always bring lunch for you, so I thought you were talking about me 

He said looking away, yn made him look at her, slowly attaching her lips with her she kissed him delicately, afraid that even a little force could break him, she broke the kiss 

Yn: Don't you dare think that I hate you or something, you're the reason I'm alive, I love you soo much, that you can't even imagine

Tae blushed hard on her genuine words

Tae: I love you too......

He was about to kiss you when they heard

Aera: mommy!!! 

Yn: lets have dinner first baby, we'll have the dessert later

she said to tae and winked leaving a blushing tae behind

They all had their dinner happily, yn tucked both them in their beds and left for her room, tae and yn too slept cuddling each other

( Well about that employee, don't you worry he'll be fired soon )


This was it, the bonus part of this story, I never knew that a shitty story like this could also reach 18k cause I don't really think this story was good enough, I have been busy from past few weeks, that's reason of me being less active but I'll try to update y'all with new stories soon

Byee bunnies love y'all take care 💜💜

[ 1226 words ]

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