The Deadly Woman by Thomas Gill

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Having a beautiful and amazing woman is all a man dreams and prays for, but mine was totally different. I decided to share my story so that men like me can learn and not fall into the same trap that changed my life forever.

It was a beautiful day on the 25th of June 1999, and I was getting ready to sign a big contract that I had been working on for the past four months. Finally, it was my time to shine and live the life I had been dreaming of. I was so happy that I had to wear my best suit, and I looked so good that the mirror smiled at me. I arrived at the company looking happy and well composed, and I was invited to the director's office where we signed the contract. I still vividly remember that beautiful day; it was the best day of my life. I called my best friend Daniel to meet me at our usual spot in the evening to celebrate my big success. I was extremely happy because it took me so many years to finally sign a huge project that changed my life. As we were celebrating, my eyes caught the sight of a beautiful, charming lady. She looked so beautiful and attractive; I was carried away looking at her, and she noticed and was also staring at me. I knew I had a chance to try my luck, so I approached her table, and she was with two other friends. I never knew how I summoned the courage to talk to her. I asked for her name, and she said, "My name is Caroline."

I told her how beautiful and attractive she was and how I was really drawn to her and anxious to get to know her better. She looked into my eyes, laughed, and said, "I am going to be your friend because of your bravery." I was so happy to hear that, and I felt on top of the world. She told me to give her my card, and she said that she would call me. I was so happy and quickly gave her my business card. She told me to expect her call anytime. When I got back to my seat, Daniel was anxious to know what happened, and I explained to him how drawn I was to Caroline and how I felt like she was the one for me and that she would become my queen. Daniel jokingly laughed at me and made fun of me for falling in love at first sight. After spending a few more hours at our favorite spot, we called it a night and went our separate ways. I found it difficult to sleep, and I was just thinking about Caroline and her beautiful eyes and the way she talked. I was so in love with her, and I couldn't wait to see her again. I woke up the next morning feeling like a millionaire, and I was so happy with the success I had just attained. It was just a dream come true. Days passed, and I never heard from Caroline. I felt sad that she had lied to me that she was going to call me, and she never did. After three weeks, I concluded that Caroline had lied to me and that she was not going to call. I felt so stupid that I fell for a liar and someone who did not even care to get to know me as a friend, let alone a lover.

On the 14th of July 1999, I received a call at about 8 pm. When I picked up the phone, I heard the sweetest voice I had been waiting for three weeks. Immediately, I knew it was Caroline. We exchanged pleasantries, and she apologized for not calling me earlier. She said she would like to make it up to me and asked me about my plans for the next day. I replied, "My only plan in life is to spend it with you, beautiful Caroline, and make you, my queen." She was surprised and asked me to repeat what I told her on the phone when we met. I was thrilled to talk to her, and she could hear the excitement in my voice. I wished we could talk for hours. I was looking forward to our first date and couldn't wait to see this beautiful damsel. The next day, I woke up full of life and went shopping for new clothes to wear. I wanted to be simple and classy for our date. The time I was expecting finally came, and I got into my car and drove as fast as I could to be at the location on time. I arrived ten minutes early because a responsible man should not keep a woman waiting. I was eager to see her, and she suddenly walked in, looking like a goddess with long, beautiful hair and a lovely scent. When she hugged me, I felt like I was still dreaming. We had a lovely meal and drinks with a great conversation. Caroline was a funny and sexy lady that would melt any man's heart. We finished two bottles of white wine and were both on another planet. We had to stop and call it a night. We left the fine dining restaurant together, and when we got outside, I offered to give her a ride home. She asked me to take her to my house instead, and I was thrilled to hear that. You may be laughing at me, but you must know that every man in love would be happy to hear that response.

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