16- A night to remember

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Shuichi's Pov:


When the music stopped I... I just couldn't let him go.

Watching Kokichi passing out just gave me quite a scare, and I hated that thing I felt when i saw him crying.
I can't stand seeing him that way.

And I... Kissed him.

Why? Why did I ruin this? I could just have let him go! Why did I have to kiss him?

Kokichi's eyes widened in surpriese and he hugged me thight.

"Ownnnn I know you love me mister detective, who wouldn't?"

How cute~

HEY! What?
... Do i really like him that way...?

Fortunatly, no one saw what happened, as they were all still in the dancing floor, not really paying atention to us.

"Uh, listen, Kokichi, I-i'm sorry, I didn't want to!" I tryed to apologise.

The purple boy looked down and saddly smiled.

"Oohhh i see! Then... See ya later Shumai!" And ran away, waving to me. I'm such an idiot.

"Hey, everyone! It is getting pretty late... Do you think we should start thinking about going to sleep?" Kibo questioned.

And we all agreed. We were so tired that even changing into our pijamas was a hard task. But eventually, everyone layed at their bed and the sleep over was indeed over.

Time skip to 2:36 pm

"Hey, sidekick."


I woke up being shaken by someone next to me.

"Hum? What is it Kaito?"

I couldn't see him because of the dark, but the voice was obviously his.

"I think I heard something" he wispered.

"For God's sake Kaito. Just go back to sleep, you are hearing things."

"No! I heard a creepy child's laughter!"

"Look, i'm really tired right now. I'm sure it was nothing"

"But... The girl in Shinguchi's story also laughed like this! It can't be a coincidence!"

I sighted.

"Kaito, do you really think that story was real? It's just a ghost story, the girl doesn't exi-"


A girly giggle echoed in the gym.


"O-oh. Humm.... Maybe we should wake up the others?" I sugested. And so we did.

"Hum hum! Everyone?" I said, this time louder so they all heard me. It was still dark, but I could hear grumbles and people complaining.

"Oh, I'm going to turn on the lights!" Kaito uttered.

"Soo... This may seem wierd... But me and Kaito heard... Someone giggling. Was it any of you?"

"No? Can I go back to sleep now?" Someone talked.

"But,who was laughing then?" A feminine voice asked

"Are you that stupid, bitch? They are just hearing things!" ... Thanks Miu.


A chill went through my spine as we all heard the creppy childish laugh.



"Hey! Found the light switch!! I'm turning it on!"

And so, the gym light turned on, alowing me to see all my classmates around me, scared. Well... Not all of them.

Amami's bed was empty. Instead of him, there layed an olive coloured rose.

"WHERE'S RANTARO?" Kaede screamed.

Kaito was pale.
"I-i'm sorry S-Shinguchi, but c-can you r-repit that ghost s-story you told u-us?" He stutered.

Kyo nodded.

"The caged child was a normal girl who lived in a small village. But one day, she was kidnaped and eventually killed by a man with a huge guard dog.
After her death, her spirit searched for revenge, kidnaping all the villagers, one by one, torturing them at her house, so they can feel what she felt, and killing them afterwards.
For every person she killed that wasn't her actual target, the spirit let a flower where he or she was, so their souls can go to heaven in peace.
They say she is still doing this, and that she will only stop once the man who killed her gets what he deserves."

"So Rantaro is dead?" Ryoma questioned.

"Nahh i'm sure he just went to the bathroom or something, I'll got get him!" Kokichi moved in the door's direction.

"Hum? Guys.... We might have a problem... The door is not opening."

The door... Is stuck?
There's no way i'm believing in that story, but still... It can't be a coincidence, can it?

"That mother fucker is pranking us!" Miu exclaimed.

"Yeah! This stupid tale isn't real. Did you really thought it was, Kaito?" Maki almost laughed at the astronaut.

"Hey! You must admit that it's scary, ok? But i wasn't scared at all! You see, I just thought it would be... Ah... Funny to joke with you all!" He defended himself.

"Heyyy, Rantaro, come out! We already know this is a prank! Cut the act already!" Kaede shouted.

No response.

But suddenly, the lights went off.


I touched the wall and searched for the switch. I turned the lights on once more...

All the 11 students were there, scared about the room going dark.

...wait, 11? Excluding me and obviouvly Rantaro, we should be twelve...

...and a red rose layed by Kaito's side.


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