Snowed In

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It's now January 10th and the snow was thick outside I never really enjoyed winter because of the cold and Christmas always seemed to come and go too fast. But this Christmas has been one of best since I felt like I was a little girl again when my mum and dad were happy and living together. I spoke to my dad earlier today and he's been trying to sweeten me up by buying me lush gifts for Christmas since I told him off for not spending Christmas with the rest of us at Marcus and Tasha's new home. He states that he don't celebrate Christmas because it's a waste of money and just fooliness all in all but he still should of came to here the most exciting news ever my big brother was gonna have his own little family and I couldn't be more proud of him and Tasha.

I was currently browsing the net to look for properties me and Tasha could rent for our salon when I stumbled on the nicest house ever it was so to my taste very grand and all I couldn't believe the owners were private renting for such a decent price. I had to tell Rio to come look at the house immediately.

I excitely got up off the bed yet still being able to catch a long enough glimpse of outside Rio's big bay window, to notice it was already dark outside and the snow was getting thicker I sigh at the thought of driving to work in this weather, regardless if it will take me less than twenty minutes that's not the point the point is, is that is cold outside.

As my mind trailed off in my own thoughts, I felt Rio's hot breath on my neck and his hands wrap around my waist making me feel warm and secure all at the same time. "Hey babe I was just about to shout you to come look at this house ain't it nice, and look at the price isn't it great." I battered my eyelashes at him as I was showing him the images on my tablet we both just stood admiring the home.

"Nar that's nice and cheap where bouts is it Serena, I bet that's in a different country haha and that's why it's so cheap haha. " Rio started to laugh at me as if I'm a dive and I ain't it wasn't that far from us it was in a clean nebioughood called Montfort only a 20 minute drive for our parents home and a 15 drive from Marcus and Tasha's home. Perfect.

" Are you dumb mate it blatantly says East Midlands Nottingham I'm not stupid gosh. " I was standing toe to toe with Rio who was taking it like he was about to do some Grime spitting battle or something we could be dead funny and immature when we were ready.

" Okay, okay fair enough but to you really think that price is real? The house looks like the American rich people houses. I want to see it in person cus this can't be real call the realtors and book an appointment for Wednesday afternoon babe might have to put down a deposit ayy ayy." Rio began getting goofy and tickling me the fool I just rose an perfectly shaped brow at his statement.

"Yes you can as long as you move me in with you! Ay ay." I began to laugh as I started to nug him in his chest and belly playfully.

Rio smiled sweetly at me and I stopped my playful antics and I looked at him I had a gut feeling he was gonna say something I've wanted to hear. He grabbed my face softly and kissed me two times then said with so much confidence "were gonna get that house, together okay. I couldn't help but smile and nod my head all I was thinking in my head was yes!

After a few more kisses on my part we stopped to admire the large amount of fluffy snow that was on the ground and still falling it truly was magical it. It was starting to look like a winter wonderland the perfect image for such good news, last year was great but this year will be even better.

"God look how much snow is out there, it looks so nice to go out in but it's just too cold." Rio exclaimed like an excited child and I laughed but agreed with him immediately.

"I know and I have to walk home init." I stated unhappily turning around to face Rio with my back turn to the window but our bodies still as close as they were before. Rio looked at me and smirked slightly which made me look at him cautiously.

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