A Strange Kind Of Love

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[Hi guys this is my first ever book I no it's only one page but I just wanna know what you think before I upload anymore! the picture below is of Sexy Rio please leave comments and vote

Kind regards Leshurr xoxo]

Serena's POV:

It was a Friday night and me and Tasha decided we needed a night out since we had an hard week juggling work and college so, we were going to Rio's house party. He's so hot he's got short well groomed hair, magnificent golden syrup skin, proper muscular, a well defined jaw line and a smiley to die for. He knows I like him and I know he knows that so the fool fool, over confident, sexy piece of fine ass decides to whine me up by putting me in overly awkward situations for example, the time he apparently came to speak to my brother but accidently walked into my bedroom knowing my brother was out of town for the weekend. Or when I was in the kitchen washing up and he decides to lean over me to get a glass and press his entire front body into my behind and I could feel little Rio in my lower back and bottom which sent shivers down my spine.

But even though I have all these wonderful excuses to talk to him I don't because I'm too shy to approach him since he is known to be a womaniser and his body just always seems to beg me to rip his clothes off therefore, that is why I never tried to speak to him on my own because I always get so flipping nervous around him and it isn't even funny, I mean I can even feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach right now and I'm only just thinking about him for Pete's sake.

I swear I think this boy is gonna be the death of me, cha. Nevertheless I'm going to stop my perverted daydreaming about my future baby daddy so I can put all my thought in what nail polish colour I wanna wear and concentrate on getting ready with my main bitch Tasha. We are both gonna look overly sexy tonight just to piss off her ex which is ironically my older brother Marcus and this bitch Kyanna who thinks she hot stuff now because she beat my big bro and thinks she his gyal(ahahah) "NO KYANNA!"(Beat mean's sex for all those who don't know what it is.)

Anyways I wasn't gonna piss my brother off because me and him are actually really close however, I am partly siding with Tasha on the whole "I'm gonna make Marcus jealous and regret cheating on me." And I bet your all wondering why I am siding with my bestest friend since we were in nursery! Well I'm gonna tell you and my reason for siding with Tasha is because I'm the one who got Tasha and Marcus together and then he goes to the duttiest sket of all time and fucks her at a party claiming he was intoxicated pfft what a load of bull shit. And then Kyanna has the audacity to brag about beating my brother and tells Tasha that she beat her man at Tasha's own birthday party like she won't hold down a thump in her head what an eddiyat kmt. (Kiss my teeth)

Like seriously though, do all you boys only think with your dicks. Use your initiative in future brother that's why God gave you a brain fool. But what I still seem to not get over is Kyanna of ALL people and I'm not even joking she's so dirts, she's a fucking walking STD and she isn't even that nice I mean yeah she's pretty but, Tasha she's just beautiful, decent, clean, not the type of bitch to be up in other people's business and she loves my brother. So I just don't understand why Marcus did what he did and with that tramp just makes it a million times worst.

So this is my first page sorry for the spelling and gramma mistakes. Leshurr xoxo

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