CHAPTER 3: Special Cargo

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"Approaching Arthis Gate, Airship code: Arex-009020, Segment 1: Idara-Jainra to Segment 2: Jainra-Kuris. Pass Clearance #e-8897-fh7668" said a Kurisi pilot as their airship entered a portal gate.

The Arthis Gate, like all of the gates throughout Kuris, glowing with a reddish hue and spanned 300 feet in diameter, hovering 600 feet above the bustling city of Arthis. As one of the largest cities in the Za'ath territories on the planet of Kuris, Arthis was a hub of activity and commerce.

"Arex-009020, you are cleared for passage," the radio crackled to life, prompting the feline-eared Kurisi to acknowledge the message. "Copy that," he replied before cutting off the communication. He turned to the group of armed mercenaries behind him and issued a commanding order. "Secure the cargo," his voice firm and unwavering. Without hesitation, each of the hired gunmen sprang into action, executing their assigned tasks with precision and efficiency.

"Get ready, fishes!" echoed throughout the airship, followed by a cacophony of fearful and pained voices. A new voice soon joined the fray, that of a Zathran commander who strode into a massive hall teeming with huddled people of mottled brown and blue skin. Most of them were weeping and embracing one another, seeking comfort in their shared misery.

"From this point forward, this is your new home," the commander declared, his voice ringing out with authority. "Stop thinking of your old realm.  You now belong to Kuris." As he made his way down the hall, the commander looked down upon the sea of Derans who lay sprawled on the floor, utterly defeated.

The Kuris Airship, a marvel of Za'ath technology measuring 80 meters in length, finally emerged at the gate from the Kurisi side. Unlike the usual gargantuan flying craft that drew attention wherever they went, this particular dirigible was designed to be overlooked. Its unassuming appearance ensured that its cargo would remain unchecked at crucial points and gateports, slipping past undetected.


A Kurisi woman slithered through the halls of her mansion, her graceful yet slow stride accompanied by the steady clacking of her metallic stilettos. Her hips swayed softly but with power, and her hands caressed the walls gently, although the golden claw armor she wore was a startling contrast to her movements.

 Her hips swayed softly but with power, and her hands caressed the walls gently, although the golden claw armor she wore was a startling contrast to her movements

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A male voice spoke from behind her, interrupting her thoughts. "My lady," he said, prompting her to turn around and nod in acknowledgement.

"Exalted Lady Nofret," the male voice continued. "The shipment has arrived."

"Perfect timing," Nofret replied, a hint of satisfaction in her voice. "Retrieve the manifesto as soon as possible." Turning to a another male servant nearby, she issued a curt command. "Prepare my bath. I shall be meeting the conglomerate." The servant bowed his head and scurried down the hall to attend to her request.

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