The Big Surprise

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When I went to school the next morning, India came up to me and said remember before lunch in the bathroom. She walked away with a blow kiss. I was wonder what she was up too.

When that time came, I walked to the bathroom and India was in there and she told me to sit on the toilet. She said you know I came in here to do. I said I think. She pushed me back and sat on my lap. I was so happy. She leaned in and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her wrist. She kissed me again. I stand up and she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my wrist. She kissed me once again. I kiss her neck and her lips again. She put her hands on my face and said I love you. I said I love you back. I grabbed her ass. She moaned. She let go and stood up. She said until next time. So that's what the surprise was. I loved her even more. I wanted to have her all for myself I loved her so much

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