PART ❶ || Skater Girl

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The building was teeming with all types of sounds. People conversing, babies crying, but the best sound you could hear was the sound that the blades made as they glided along the rinks hard floor. The rink was full of people left and right of all kinds. All heights, colors, spices even. However, one skater almost stuck out from the rest, a girl with H/L H/C hair skidded along doing all kinds of twirls and whirls— almost showing off. She was famously known around the rink, she was a very frequent visitor. Her name was Y/N L/N but most people knew her as RipTide. No matter the occasion, she would be there, whether she was simply letting out stress or just bored, she would find herself back at the areas skating rink. During the current days they were in, they didn't have many kinds of entertainment which left skating as something most people always did.

This story isn't just about how 'RipTide' gained her glory, that almost has nothing to do of it at all. This story is more exciting, yet more perplex. This is the story about her and a certain demon son.

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"Hey, slow-poke! Hurry your butt up!"

A taller boy with bright red hair tied up is seen to be glaring ahead of him at the voice. Skating wasn't his thing at all. He wasn't even sure how she had convinced him to skate with her in the first place. Where he should be is back home with his mother trying to figure out how to free his imprisoned father. Yet somehow, this stupid human had brought him into her life, forcing him to just roll along. The girl he had known as 'Stupid Skater Girl' in his vocabulary wasn't only stupid but annoying as well. He couldn't stand her at all. With a huff, he attempted to quicken his skating— almost falling over in the process.

Y/N giggled to herself as the demon in front of her struggled. She had been skating since she was young and obviously was good at it. However, she didn't have much fame quite yet. She still had a life to live outside the rink, taxes to pay, meals to buy. Ever since she met Red Son, he's basically the only friend she's been able to have since forever. Other people wouldn't stand her behavior, thought of her as reckless and bothersome, Red Son didn't think much different but Y/N agreed that he didn't fit in with others as well. Of course they should be able to get along. Even though Y/N's only known the red haired boy for a while, she's noticed how the way he acts and treats other people isn't necessarily selfish, but quite intriguing. He's not bothered by others opinions and only seems to be interested in his own life. If everyone were like that, the whole world would probably be quite peaceful.

"Haven't I told you? I'm not a skater! I barely know how these things work!" The boy yelled, attempting to glare at the girl, but having to look back down at his feet, unless he wanted to fall over. "Well maybe you could be better if you actually tried! You don't even seem to care!" Y/N fake pouted. However, no matter her efforts, Red Son could care less. All he did was sigh before responding quite clearly. "I don't. I do not care for this entertainment."  Y/N skated closer to him, gripping his arm and forcing him to stand up taller so he doesn't fall over. "What do you think you're doing!?" Responding with a smile, Y/N started skating,  moving left-right-left-right almost perfectly making it seem effortless.

Red Son attempted to free himself from her grasp around his arm, but it came useless as she was stronger than he had thought. He considered burning her hand to a crisp but decided against it, it seemed like it would be too much and a horrible idea. "I'm trying to show you how to skate! You're doing it entirely wrong!" The girl found a slow pace and tried to help him do what she was as well. "Think left-right left-right." She spoke to her feet as she found a beat to skate too. There was always music playing in the background and it consisted of hip hop and some occasionally slower songs but not many. The current one was almost perfect to find a steady beat to skate with. Red Son began to follow along with her, going left-right left-right. If he couldn't conquer skating, how was he supposed to conquer the world?

"You're getting the hang of it!" A grin lay upon her rose lips as she led on Red Son to follow her. She slowly dropped her hand from Red Son's arm and skated a little in front of him. "Now, think you can do it on your own?" She started skating backwards while facing Red Son. He was beginning to skate along on his own, looking from his roller skates back up to Y/n. There was just something so insufferable about her. However, he has to admit, he's glad to have company. Always being cooped up in his work was bothersome and quite frankly boring. It was nice having someone he could look forward to seeing during the day and he's glad it turned to be Y/n of all people. She was just different from any other person he's met. He wasn't sure how but—

"Now, try speeding up! See if you can catch up with me!" Red Son had been ripped from his thoughts as the girl in front of him ran— or well skated— off. Sighing loudly, he tried to skate after her as quick as he could. Almost running into tons of people, he made sure that she was at least at a distance where he could see her. Yet, she was much better than him on skates so it wasn't easy. The turn at the end of the rink was coming up and he hadn't realized it until he almost ran into it. He quickly stopped, turned around, and continued following Y/n. This went on for a while, it seemed like Y/n could just skate all day as Red Son grew tired. Eventually, Y/n slowed down, allowing him to finally reach her. Red Son glared at the girl causing her to giggle. It was a giggle that just sounds like a memory. Although, Red Son had no memories like that, but the way her laugh sounded so beautiful was enough to describe it.

"Hey don't look so gloomy! You actually did pretty good!" Red Son straightened his posture more while continuing to glare at Y/n as she spoke. "I suppose." Red Son looked almost unfazed by the whole day just in general but he really didn't know what to think or say. It had been almost a week since he first met Y/n and it was by total accident. Now he's skating with her. He was hoping to exit her life as quick as he entered but he's come too far to do that now. "Well, I'm gonna head home since I'm pretty tired. Thanks for skating with me Reds!" The girl wandered off, disappearing into the crowd. Yet, Red Son continued to just stand there. He could no longer see her anymore, but he still saw her in his mind. She was such an enigma to him. One day she'd be like that, the next she's showing off her skills and acting like the coolest person on the planet. He never learned much about her life outside the skating rink and almost everything about her makes no sense.

Suddenly, a little kid rammed into him, knocking him over onto the floor.

"Why you little...!" His hair let out some small sparks as he looked at the child angrily. The kid apologized profusely before continuing off. If it hadn't been for him being in that building, Red Son might have burned that kid to bits. With a huff, he stood up off the floor and began to leave the building. People in general are wonders to him. They're lucky he hasn't burnt the town to the ground.


and that ends chapter 1! this took longer to write than i thought even though it's so short lol. i don't have a huge plan for this (js like all my other stories) but this idea came to mind and i thought it would be pretty cool! tell me if you enjoy and if i should continue it!!

Skater Girl || Red Son x F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now