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Charlotte walked into the cave through the Zeta tube, she found everyone standing around the training area, some were sparring and others stood waiting for their turns. Wally noticed Charlotte and waved her over. She walked over, standing awkwardly as she watched Wally flirt with the oblivious M'Gann.

M'Gann looked around Wally and smiled, "Hello Charlotte! Where's Evie? Did she not come with you?"

"Oh she's coming, she's just mad at me for some reason." Charlotte responded, as she swayed, rolling back on her heels.

"Oh what happened? Something at home?" Wally asked, "She seems like she doesn't put up with much."

"Why'd you move out anyways?" Robin asked, finishing his spar with Aqua Lad and joining the rest of the group.

"I moved out to get some peace and quiet, it's a quiet house since her dad is usually in the basement. And honestly I'm not sure why she's so mad like yes I screwed up but its not a big deal."

"Well did Evie act like it was a big deal?" Kaldur asked.

"Yes! It was even worse than when I picked up that guy in line at the pizza place." Charlotte exclaimed.

Everyone gave each other a concerned glance, "What happened then?"

"It was so stupid!" Charlotte began.

Evie and Charlotte arrived at their math class, Algebra 1. Everything had gone fairly smoothly, people were nice to Charlotte, a few even asked for her phone number so they could hang out outside of class. That single fact made Evie realize that Charlotte didn't have a phone, and obviously needed one.

"Alright class," Evie's teacher said from the chalkboard. The Algebra teacher was an older bald man that Evie was pretty sure had never felt joy in his entire life. "Today we are working on linear equations. Turn in your books to page 152."

Charlotte turned in her book and realized she did not know a single thing about Algebra. She leaned over to Evie, "Red." This nickname had become a new one, Charlotte heard some of Evie's friends call her it and felt it was appropriate. "What are these letters?"

Evie looked up and nodded, "Algebra expressions. You're solving for A."

"It's not a number though. I'm putting the A is 8." Charlotte said.

Evie sighed and put her hand up, "Mr. Sanders, Charlotte just transfered here and doesn't know anything about Algebra."

He turned around and pointed at the blonde, "Were you homeless or something? Didn't you go to school?"

"No I didn't go to school. And yes I was." Charlotte responded, filing in her notebook with random letters and numbers.

He walked up and snatched up her notebook. "You will not talk back to a teacher, especially in my class." He snapped at her as he skimmed her notebook. "All of these are incorrect, have you been paying attention at all?"

"How was I suppose to pay attention if I don't understand?" Charlotte snapped back, holding her now closed Algebra book with a tight grip. "And how is this talking back? I'm responding to your questions." She said through her teeth.

"If I wasn't a kind man I would expel you right now." He said, throwing her notebook back onto her desk. "But if you stop this behavior now, you'll just have a detention on your record."

"Detention?" Charlotte looked at Evie.

Evie sighed, "It's where you stay after class and just sit in a room and th-"

"I suppose you also want detention too Ms. Lester?" Mr. Sanders said.

"I was explaining detention to her." Evie responded, keeping her head down.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2024 ⏰

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