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Evie and Charlotte began to run through the warehouse, trying desperately to find some familiar faces. As they ran down a corridor they noticed the end of the corridor became a large room.

"How much do you want to bet that's where Joker is." Evie mumbled.

"Probably a lot but I don't know who that is." Charlotte said. "But if he has a habit of hanging out in large rooms I bet that's where he'd be."

This was the moment Evie realized that because Charlotte is off world. "Joker is like, a huge baddie, killed a ton of people. He's usually dealt with by Batman, but he wanted us to gather intel today." Evie watched as Charlotte slowed down and just stared at her. "You don't know who Batman is, or who we are."

Charlotte shook her head, "I've heard of Batman from Granny Goodness, but that's it."

"Batman is basically this dude who has no powers or anything he just has detective skills and gadgets. His sidekick Robin is, a Robin is a type of bird and a bat can also fly. Anyways Robin and I are on a team together, along with Aqua Lad, Aqua Man's sidekick, Kid Flash, Flash's sidekick, Superman's sidekick Superboy, and Martian Manhunter's sidekick Miss Martian." Evie thought for a second. "Do I need to alaborate more?" Charlotte nodded as Evie sighed, this was going to be a long night.

After they got every one squared away as to who was who the girls crept into the large room, which was filled with rusted conveyer belts with crates on them, graffiti covered the walls and the storage containers in the room. In the middle of the room were five men all wearing all black.

"Evie?" Charlotte whispered to her behind a crate. Evie looked over at her, "Why are we hiding from those people?"

"I assumed that they work for Joker, but don't quote me. Frankly this is my first mission and I'm not sure if I'm doing anything correctly." Evie said back to Charlotte.

That comment made Charlotte do a double take, "What?" She snapped, as quietly as possible, "First mission? Why are you by yourself?"

"I screwed up and ended up by myself. So I've been playing all of this by ear. I fell out of the vents and no one came to get me." Evie responded.

"Some team, if you do that on Apokalipse you get murdered." Charlotte mumbled.

"Wouldn't that be funny though, like if we died." Evie chuckled.

"I beg your pardon?" She asked, shooting Evie a concerned look.

"Don't worry about it, dark humor, you'll figure it out." Evie snorted.

They heard someone clear their throat as they both looked up to see they were greeted by the barrel of an assault rifle. "Great first mission Evie, you'll get your wish." She heard Charlotte say as they were both dragged out of their hiding place.

"Who are you two kids?" One of the goons asked, gun still aimed at Evie's forehead.

"I uh, I got lost, I live on the streets and figured no one was in this warehouse so I thought I could spend the night here. Turns out there's people in here." Evie explained her lie, hoping and praying Charlotte would go along with it.

"Oh that is such bulls-" Charlotte yelled until Evie cut her off.

"She's not, or atleast I assume she isn't. She got pulled into this with me, she saw me walk in here and followed me. I tried to shake her but she kept up, that's when you found us." Evie said, eyes darting to Charlotte for her to keep her mouth shut.

Charlotte then seemed to get the picture and took a deep breath, "Yes, that's what happened. I assumed she was trying to steal something from in here and I gave chase. I didn't realize she was homeless until right now." She looked at Evie, "Sorry kid."

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